Postal Work Case

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Postal Work Case

Hiring Issues in Police


The main purpose of this research study is to make an analysis on the case study of a officer who is running a police precinct. He wants to hire new officers so he wats to use the five factor personality scale and the recommendations for making the hiring issue.


The authors wish to thank a number of people and organizations that assisted this project in various ways. Staff of the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) conducted the telephone interviews for the Police Hiring and Retention Survey. Alma Kuby and Laurie Imhoff managed NORC's efforts in planning and implementing the interviews(Allen, 2002). They and other NORC staff provided feedback on the survey instrument. Thanks go to NORC staff for completing the survey on time, under budget, and with high response rates. Thanks also go, of course, to the 1,270 police chiefs and their designees who agreed to participate in the survey.

Five Factors Personality Traits

In contemporary psychology, the "Big Five" factors of personality are five broad domains or dimensions of personality which have been scientifically discovered to define human personality at the highest level of organization (Goldberg, 1993). These five over-arching domains have been found to contain and subsume more-or-less all known personality traits within their five domains and to represent the basic structure behind all personality traits. They have brought order to the often-bewildering array of specific lower-level personality concepts that are constantly being proposed by psychologists, which are often found to be overlapping and confusing. These five factors provide a rich conceptual framework for integrating all the research findings and theory in personality psychology. The big five traits are also referred to as the "Five Factor Model" or FFM (Costa & McCrae, 1992),and as the Global Factors of personality (Russell & Karol, 1994).

The Big Five model is considered to be one of the most comprehensive, empirical, data-driven research findings in the history of personality psychology. Identifying the traits and structure of human personality has been one of the most fundamental goals in all of psychology. Over three or four decades of research, these five broad factors were gradually discovered and defined by several independent sets of researchers (Digman, 1990). These researchers began by studying all known personality traits and then factor-analyzing hundreds of measures of these traits (in self-report and questionnaire data, peer ratings, and objective measures from experimental settings) in order to find the basic, underlying factors of personality.

Test for Hiring Decision

Before recommending the client to conduct a test for hiring decision I will consider different issues.

Police managers and executives involved in recruiting, hiring, and retaining officers; elected officials and policymakers responsible for public safety; teachers of police management courses; and policing scholars(Alston, 2006). To help plan, manage, and assess the COPS program, and to provide information for police practitioners and scholars,

the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), at the request of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), examined the recent experiences of police agencies nationwide in hiring and retaining ...
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