Concurrent Enrolment Courses Offered By Community Colleges8
Concurrent Enrolment Courses Offered By 4 Year Colleges/Universities9
On-Campus Courses (That Result in Dual Credit) At 4-Year or 2-Year Institutions10
Evaluation Of Programmes As A Predictor Of Post Secondary Academic Success11
Post-Secondary Benefits Of Each Program, When Reporting On The Evaluated Research Outcomes12
Advanced Placement courses (AP)12
International Baccalaureate courses (IB)14
On-campus courses (that result in dual credit) at 4-year or 2-year institutions14
Review If High School Grade Point Average, And/or Act/Sat Score(S) Is A Predictor of Post-Secondary Academic Success18
Appendix 1:23
Appendix 227
Appendix 328
Appendix 430
Appendix 532
Appendix 635
Appendix 739
Masters/Capstone Project Literature Review
In this part of the literature review, we review the post-secondary academic success of U.S. high school students that have participated in the following programs:
Advanced Placement Courses (AP)
The purpose of the Advanced Placement (AP) of the U.S. high school or College Board is to prepare students for college work and AP exams that give students the opportunity to receive credit at the community college. Since 1955, the AP Program has enabled millions of students take courses and college-level exams, and receive credit or advanced placement while still in high school. Thirty-seven AP courses and exams are offered in 22 different subjects.
More than 16,400 schools around the world participate in AP and constitute 66 per cent of secondary schools in the United States. Almost one in four public school students in the class of 2007 in the U.S. took an AP Exam at some point in their studies at secondary school. In 2007, more than 1.4 million students from around the world took more than 2.5 million AP Exams. Over 90 percent of four-year colleges in the nation, as well as schools in more than 40 countries have laws that give them AP to whether students who begin college credit, advanced placement or both, in exchange for good grades on AP Exams. In 2007, more than 3,000 notes universities accepted qualifying AP Exam to grant credits and / or advanced placement.
Each of the AP exams, with the exception of AP Arts test, consists of dozens of multiple-choice questions, which are rated electronically, as well as free-response questions (essays, translations, oral responses) that qualifies for the annual period of AP scores about 10,000 university professors and AP teachers, who use standards and scoring rubrics developed by teachers for university courses taught in college. The comprehensive score for each AP Exam is converted to an AP Exam note 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1. The AP Exam grades of 5 are equivalent to grades of A in the course corresponding university. The AP Exam grades of 4 are equivalent to Notes from A-, B + and B in college. The AP Exam grades of 3 are equivalent Notes of B-, C + and C in college (Karp 2007).
Once they enter professional lives, they observe that they carry more experiences and expertise among other counterparts. Their post-secondary success also depends upon their academic achievements throughout their academic career, which is guaranteed ...