In this report, we try to explore the concept of “post war era of Sierra Leone” in a holistic context. The focus of the research is on “Sierra Leone after the cold war” and its relation with “the development of Sierra Leone”.
Table of Contents
This paper is discussing the post war condition of Sierra Leone, An African Country, situated in Western Africa. It has population of around 17 million.
The history of the Sierra Leone is very complex, the role of the state in the promotion of in democratic system and its consolidation is very difficult to analyze. The country went through a civil war, which started on 23 March 1991. At that time, a rebel front namely Revolutionary United Front (RUF), tried to put an end to government of Momoh, they had the support of Charles Taylor's National Patriotic Front of Lebria. It was the start of a cold war, which lasted for around eleven years, and resulted in more than forty five thousand casualties.
In 1999, the global society stepped in between the war through diplomatic means, and played a part to start discussions between the rebel group and the government. After the negotiations, they signed “The Lome Peace Accord” in the year 1999. That accord made Foday Sankoh, who was the leader of the rebel group, have power over the diamond mines of Sierra Leone, and in against they agreed to stop the cold war and allowed the deployment of a mediation army to ensure that the process of the disarmament of the rebels occur in a smooth way. Nevertheless, the rebels did not observe the procedure of disarmament in a proper way, and in May 2000 they were marching towards the free cities again. The UK intervened in time to rescue the flailing mission and the government of President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. Finally, on 18 January 2002, the civil war of Sierra Leone was officially over.
In spite of the countless limitations in the post war era, it is clear that Sierra Leone has been able to make noteworthy steps ahead after the cold war ended in the year 2002, and a considerable sum of this development can be credited to the global society. This report will analyze the post war era of Sierra Leone, the era before the cold war was not so beneficial for Sierra Leone, and after the cold war finished the country has made significant inroads on the road to prosperity.
After the cold war, the public communities have made significant assistance to the process of building a democratic government and ensuring peace in the country. The political groups have played a very important part in relating the local community groups with the global NGOs, help from the global society, and other types of help for the people of Sierra Leone. Since the start of the twentieth century, countries like America and England have given their assistance for the local NGO 50-50, this NGO has worked a ...