This thesis study is designed to prove that positive thinking alone will not bring a permanent change. Permanent transformation can only be made as we renew the mind in faith and incorporate the Word of God in our lives.
Unless we perceive ourselves to be perfect human beings, humans will always sense a need for change. A very good reason for this is “the only thing constant in life is change” - Francois de la Rochefoucauld. The very concept of change goes against our nature. However, in order to recognize a need for transformation, change must become present. We are creatures of habit therefore we strive for stability. Change, however, can sometimes alter that. Immovability or the force of habit in our daily routine inhibits us from changing our realities for the better. More importantly, we desire to maintain stability in our lives. Change usually begins when we perceive a problem or need for something different. There are times when we focus on the difficulty of making this transformation, and therefore, logic for modification may overshadow the ideal for any type of change. However, when we realize that change is inevitable and necessary, we learn to accept it by doing whatever is necessary to make adjustments.
Based on my first area of research on Cognitive Dissonance Experience shows the position on positive thinking and how it trains the mind. It will also help to identify the Cognitive Dissonance Experience, the role of the subconscious mind and the magic of positive thinking. This study will show how individuals put into practice the positive thinking methods and how they bring forth substantial change.
The second area of research shows the effects of various methods used in rehabilitation programs. The programs offered use unique alternatives such as affirmation techniques and 12 Step programs framework as a basis for modification and edification. This area of research also discloses statistical schematics from the Bureau of Justice and National Center on Addicts.
The third area of research will identify the Christian viewpoint and further demonstrate how the word of God revolutionizes through faith to manifest permanent transformation.
The fourth area of research gives record account, testimonies and confirmation of transformation from a spiritual foundation. Ultimately this study will demonstrate how faith correlates with the mind. Equally how it operates in transforming one's life through the Christian Word of God.
In conclusion, this research will show in contrast to positive thinking - which only addresses behavior modification and mindsets which lead to temporal and ever-changing results; how powerful the Word of God truly is. Furthermore, with proven evident the study that you will read will help you to identify and differentiate between self-sustaining and non self-sustaining tools from a secular and religious standpoint. With this insight, one will be able to understand how the word of God will ultimately create everlasting transformation in the spirit and mind.
Does the Bible teach positive thinking? Can permanent change be made by one's confession and beliefs in positive thinking or by one's faith ...