Promoting health is an essential process. The term Health Promotion emerged during last two decades in industrialized countries, particularly in Poland. One of the major sources of this resurgence was questioning the efficiency of curative medical care of high technology. Following the need to control costs, and increasing the model of biomedicine, opened a space to criticize the progressive narrowing of this model produced in rational health. Health promotion emphasize on broader relationships between health and society. (Willemsen, 1998, pp. 418-435)
Health promotion is defined by the World Health Organization (Ottawa Charter) “Any measure to change and promotion of individual behavior and also living conditions in the positive sense of the term either.”
The aim of health promotion is to reduce existing disparities in health status and life expectancy of different social groups. Health promotion covers five main areas of action:
Creating health-promoting lifestyles,
Development of healthy public policy,
Support health-related community action,
Reorientation of health services and other health-related facilities,
Promote the development of personal skills.
Thus, Health Promotion is a process that gives the people to exercise more and better quality of life and control over their health. Since the challenge in health promotion is to transform the exclusive relations, reconciling the economic and social goals of prosperity, working for the solidarity, equity, and social prerequisites for health and development. (Glasgow, 1999, pp. 1322-1327)
Health promotion issue
The Health Promotion was described more than 5 decades as "Health is promoted by conditions and decent living standards, good working conditions, education, culture, physical, means of rest and recreation. So health is not only absence of disease, but something positive, an attitude of optimism toward life and accepts the responsibilities that life gives us.” (Health Education, 1991, pp. 97-108)
Health promotion is a concept rooted tote, integral or holistic health. In definition of health promotion, health is a central dimension of quality of life, being that every time we better understand how public policies affect the health and lifestyles. And how they both give way to conduct health promotion and health strategy of the new public health emerged as a result of a major change in the concept and theory of public health. This change is emerged from Lalonde's report "New Perspectives on the health of Canadians.” The report acknowledged the social and environmental factors and lifestyle as determinants of health. This report was one of the documents central to the debate that led to the adoption of the Charter of Ottawa (Canada 1986). (Ardene, 2007, pp. 4)
The Charter of Ottawa still represents the essential formulation of the concept of health promotion. This charter also states clearly all actions of building healthy public policies, creating an environment of support, strengthen community action, developing personal skills, and reorienting the services of health (Annual Report of the Director). (Baker, 1996, pp. 175-188)
Rationale to strengthen community action and Strategies Health promotion is the new paradigm of public health as part of ...