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Arizona Republican Debate

Initially weakened by defeats in elections in 2006 and 2008, the Republican Party could not prevent the adoption of health insurance reform in 2010. Exceeded on the right by a populist Tea Party was struggling to channel it to his advantage, the party of Lincoln was in trouble until 2010.

However, it operates its recovery from January 2010 election, winning a symbolic victory in a partial Senate in Massachusetts (election of Republican Scott Brown in the Democratic stronghold "liberal" Fire Ted Kennedy). Driven by the growing discontent of the middle classes face the economic crisis, Republicans went on to win the midterm elections of November 2010 , including winning the most seats in the House of Representatives (Condon, pp. 8).

The candidates

Mitt Romney, the favorite

Always well placed but never praised. If Mitt Romney is now leading the race, the Republican electorate remains the most skeptical. The conservative wing of the moderate reproaches him he had to pass as governor of Massachusetts. She rejects his reform of the health system, which requires the individual mandate (obligation to take out health insurance) and Barack Obama often cites as his inspiration for national reform (Feather, pp. 78).

Ron Paul, the libertarian

If there is a point that Ron Paul is unanimous is that it stands out in the Republican camp. For the rest, or nearly so, the representative of Texas arouses much enthusiasm as contempt among Republican supporters. Ignored by the party cadres and also by some media, it may instead rely on supporters present and more determined than all his opponents. To his supporters, Ron Paul is a candidate outside the system "corrupt" Washington.

Newt Gingrich, the ghost

In early summer, the campaign Newt Gingrich was buried. That at least is what political observers thought after series of defections in its teams. But the former Republican speaker of the House of Representatives has not thrown in the towel. It has a rounded back and has his chance when Rick Perry and Herman Cain began to decline in the polls. Mounted quickly and supported by its performance during the debates, Newt Gingrich has played the card of experience, who successfully led the "Republican Revolution" in 1994. But his past caught up also. A video made with Democrat Nancy Pelosi to fight against climate change emerged from the closet. His private life - he was married three times, including once after an affair - ...
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