Political Strategy For Presidential Candidate For 2012

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Political Strategy for Presidential Candidate For 2012

Political Strategy for the Presidential Candidate

It is significant to separate the Republicans and Tea Party when postulating the 2012 elections, the economy for the next 2 years, and the main heading our homeland is going in. ATea Party win will most expected double-check a Republican president in 2012. Iwill try to interpret that deduction below with a look at political strategy.

Political Strategy and the economy

The Democrats have a vested interest to turn the coming calamity up on the Republicans. With the presumed recovery looking good now and a big worsening one time next year, they can accuse it on the republican congress as they take control with this election.

The republicans meanwhile will say the democrats and the 'extreme' tea party candidates have all the control and accuse it on them. For this scheme to work, the finances must disintegrate sometime before or throughout the early part of 2012.

With an finances on its knees and 6 years out of command of the congress, the republicans can put it all on the democrats and Tea Party officials. This should permit them to eradicate any Tea Party presidential nominee (sorry Sarah), murder Obama's possibility at reelection. All while conveying in a 'moderate' cautious republican president and sufficient republicans in congress to command both houses and the presidency. As an supplemented bonus, the Remaining Tea Party constituents in assembly should effortlessly be rode high back into the bend for a genuine good majority.

Key Strategies::

* Unity

*The Controllable & Uncontrollable

* Philosophy Is Everything

* Discipline

1. Unity

Without unity no plan for restructure will ever succeed. Tyrants who lust for power have long before learned tactics for splitting up their opposition. There are key components that lead to partition among moral persons endeavouring to change the system. It's significant to recognize what divides and take steps to bypass it.

Issues: persons have strong sentiments about matters they accept as true in. Thead covering passion is both essential and destructive. It's a essential motivator to get things done but is furthermore manipulated by tyrants to split up and conquer. Project 2012 as asserted overhead is narrowly concentrated on eliminating the corrupted process. Issues other then the goals asserted in the design are irrelevant to eradicating corruption and should be set apart so that diverse groups can arrive simultaneously under a unifying plan. This is not going to be very simple it will require a change in behavior.

Leaders of a action are a natural part of the political process. It becomes a problem when persons looking for a hero use it as an apologise to not take action, or their focus is only on the achievement of their hero. We have to recognize that the political system even corrupted is still republican in its structure. Ssuggest dispatching a handful of honest political leaders will not accomplish any meaningful restructure without a clear majority. Even with a majority, if they are not unified and arranged to remove the unconstitutional concentrations of power their efforts will expected ...
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