The political situation in French North Africa is complicated by TGC fact that Algeria was included lnlo Metropolitan France while Morocco and Tunisia protectorates, each possessing its own power. French direct control over economic and political life in Algeria, where European land owners of population and where there is no native positions in government. In-two Europeans are part of the population and where France is obliged by treaty to defend native French have top own administrative system, to assure them of the absolute, in the case of indirect control. Until very recently, the French carried out scientology with Aboriginal assimilation into French culture, at the same time recognizing the right of North Africans to keep their home institutions.
French political control of the area is potentially threatened native nationalist movements in the TGC areas. While these movements (which are supported by the League of Arab States and, where convenient, to TGC communists) are not new, they have the momentum after the war, through the worldwide growth of nationalist sentiment on the part of dependent people, the Communist propaganda and agitation, French military girl power and prestige, poor economic conditions in North Africa, as well as the revival of the influential Muslim leaders identified with Arab nationalism.
Meanwhile, the UN, the League of Arab States (which are discussed in Northern Africa in the Arabnd United States seems to nationalists to more opportunities foreign independence than the continuation of negotiations with France, if pre-war nationalist leaders agitated unsuccessfully equal civil rights and social reform , they are now condemned as a trap or a suspension of the French proposals for reform, and publicly announce that they will be satisfied with no less than independence. In UDMA, however, is an exception in favor of inclusion in Algeria within the French Union. In Cairo, ...