Political Process In Albania

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Political Process in Albania


Albania is a republic in southeastern Europe. It borders Montenegro to the north, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south. Albania, located on the outskirts of the Byzantine Empire, it was not easy to defend, its central and southern areas captured expanding Bulgaria herself once again fell under the rule of Byzantium, restored under the Emperor Basil II. The Byzantine Empire revived again in 1081, but northern Albania was under Serb control. At the same time, the southern coastal areas have experienced the influence of the Normans who settled in the south of the Apennine Peninsula and in Sicily, and then - the Crusaders. Albania policy developed in a republic parliament, through which the Prime Minister is the head of government. The legislative power vested to the government, parliament and the Assembly of Albania. (Taryn, 2006)

Albania is the country where most communist rule continued centralized and state-run economy in Europe. On a base centered on agriculture and mining, steel plants with large, low trade and a very inadequate infrastructure, the timid reforms initiated in 1985 led to a severe economic adjustment in the nineties. With outdated technology, economic indicators fell sharply, with declines in industrial production between 55% and 60%, leaving companies and emigration to other countries such as Italy. The reduction in production was also agriculture, where local farmers taken by creating a family subsistence economy did not produce a surplus. (Enver, 2006)

Currently, adjustments to 1991 following the first multiparty elections, have started again a part of heavy industry , have extended the cultivation areas with foreign investment in irrigation , in the provision of machinery and banking sector improved significantly.

One of the great problems of its economy is the proliferation of organized crime , which through the control of drug trafficking and weapons in Europe and the United States , has a powerful and negative influence on their economic normalization. (Martin, 2004)


Political Instability Hinders the Path success

Government's Instability

These incidents could hinder the vote on which Albania was committed to join the European Union. Although the country has not yet attained the status of candidate country, unlike Turkey or Croatia, several steps have nevertheless intertwined relations between the EU and Tunisia. All the internal politics of Albanian rulers focused on the establishment of Christianity as the ideological basis of the Albanian society. (Kevin, 2003)

The system of government in Albania is a parliamentary republic. The president of the People's Assembly is Alfred Moisiu. The prime minister and head of government is Sali Berisha. The People's Assembly consists of 140 members elected every 4 years by universal suffrage.

Indeed, the EU has reacted strongly to these incidents, and condemned the use of violence by security forces under the orders of Prime Minister. European diplomacy is even more worried that other events planned for this weekend “We call argument all politicians for calm and restrain any kind of provocation", ...
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