Political Philosophy

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Discuss The Main Contribution That Political Philosophy Makes To The Wider Study Of Politics

Discuss The Main Contribution That Political Philosophy Makes To The Wider Study Of Politics


Political philosophy is a branch of philosophy that studies fundamental questions about the government, the politics, the freedom, the justice, the property, the rights and implementation of a legal code by authority: what they are, why (or even if) are needed, what makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms must be protected and why, what form it should take and why, what obligations citizens have a legitimate government (if any), and where they can topple legitimately (if ever). In a sense vernacular, the term "political philosophy" often refers to a general perspective, or ethics, belief or specific attitude on the policy that need not belong to the technical discipline of philosophy (Blattberg, Charles, 2009, p. 39).


Main contribution that political philosophy makes to the wider study of politics

Politically, Marxism is based on the analysis of the history and participation in the actual movement of the class struggle, as an alternative to capitalism. Karl Marx took the view that "the emancipation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves” (Boucher, Kelly, 2003, p. 334).

The basis of the theory of Aristotle was the naturalism of the political ("the country belongs to the creations of nature"). The state was a community of small communities and rural family. His goal was to provide comprehensive material and spiritual satisfaction of human needs (Boucher, Kelly, 2003, p. 334). Aristotle referred to the people as a political animal. This term has become a fundamental concept of Western anthropology. Fundamental character of man is living together with others, only as it realizes its nature that it, unlike the animals with speech and rationality and thus was equipped with ...
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