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Policy dimensions of HRM in Tourism and Hospitality

Policy dimensions of HRM in Tourism and Hospitality


The hospitality and the tourism industry is considers as one of the most profitable industry in very nation. The research proposal will analyze and examine the various policies of the human resource management and its dimensions in the tourism and the hospitability industry. The proposal will illustrate on the fact that human resource management is more than a strategic concern for organizations in the tourism and hospitability industry. Studies have revealed that organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry benefits from the integration of the human resource management, education and labor market policies (Green, 2004, pp. 146)

Focus for the study

The purpose of the study is to identify the various policies of human resource management that can be applied in the tourism and the hospitality industry. The research proposal will also analyze and examine that various impact and affects of HR policies in the hospitality and tourism industry. The research proposal will answer the following question

What are the various policies of human resource management applicable in the tourism and hospitality industry?

What is the impact of policy dimensions in the tourism and hospitality industry?

What are the important guidelines that must be followed in order to develop linkage between the HR policies and tourism and hospitality industry?

This study will also help in understanding the core concepts of my course. The research proposal is also connected to the major courses of human resource management, which have been selected. The dimension of HR policies will help in understanding the various polices and how they are applicable in various businesses and organizations. The research proposal is connected to my course studies, as the policies applied are a part of the HR policies and procedures (Zapalska & Rudd, et al, 2002, pp. 29)

The tourism and hospitality industry is directly connected with the human resource management and it depends on the workforce to deliver their products and services, to effectively meet the demands of its customers. The tourism and hospitality industry is dependent on the workforce and its policies so that it can meet the requirements of its customers. Many studies have been conducted, which states that training and development of employee skills is very crucial in the human resource management of the tourism and the hospitality industry.

Many HR policies have been devised in order to develop the tourism and hospitality industry in the country6 and globally. According to my previous research, tourism and hospitality area, in human resource policy terms, faces fragmentation and is subject to the influence and, frequently, divergent priorities of a number of agencies with competing priorities and agendas. According to understanding, policies of human resource management can develop a link between the tourism and hospitality industry and the education, training and development of the employees (Susskind, et al. 2000, pp. 377).

Planned methodology

This research will mix method that will comprise of qualitative data collection. This research will be conducted by suing both the primary and secondary ...
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