Police Supervision And Management

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Police supervision and Management

Police supervision and Management


This paper intends to explore the police supervision and their management. The main focus is to differentiate between the tights of the police officers from those of the general public with regards to freedom of speech, religion and privacy. Further, it compares the permanent versus rotating shift assignments. The paper discusses about the nature of today's drug problem including methamphetamine, drug labs, open air markets and enforcements and non enforcement tactics that are used by police for dealing with them. Moreover, it describes the key elements of the National incident Management system and its component parts including the incident command system in planning for and dealing with crises. Finally in the end, various internal and external terrorist threats to the United States are analyzed.


Delineate how police officers rights differ from those of the general public with regard to freedom of speech, religion and privacy

Rights of police officers significantly differ from the rights of general public in terms of various elements. Let us consider the first element, called freedom of speech. It is said by the calloway, J (2012) in an article that Public officials, including police officers, are restricted in their free speech rights but only when performing their official duties. When their duty gets off, they are considered as general public, and then they shall exercise their right of freedom of speech. The reason of difference is may be because police officials have considerable responsibility of keeping the law and order situation under control. In such case if they are given the consent to have freedom of speech then this shall have an adverse affect over the law and order framework. Police officials are suppose to act in favor of the nation and protect its citizens. Further, with regards to the element of religion, police officers have a limited authority to exercise their religious practice but only to a certain limit while they are on duty. In addition to this, police officers are required to disclose all their personal information, since they have access to the crucial and most critical information, thus they need to be transparent. Any hidden information revealed later may cause severe consequences. However, general public have complete right to have their privacy in their lives and no one shall intrude that.

Compare and contrast permanent versus rotating shift assignments

Regarding permanent and rotating shifts there are many underlying variables that needs to be considered if fixed shift shall be employed or rotating (lemitonline.org). However, among all the variables, one of the major one is health concerns. Any police offer shall not serve the night duty for more than the limited days as laid down in the policy, since it may damage and affect his health in an adverse way. Further, there are some locations where only highly trained police official are required at all ties. Thus fixed shift shall be given to the most highly trained police official.

In recent years, a typical form of work timings such as Night, on ...
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