Police Discretion

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Police Discretion

Police Discretion


A person in his daily life encounter different scenarios. Every situation and instance cannot be covered in the law. Since, no policy or law can certainly invade every possible situation a police officer may come across in his daily life (Kleinig, 1996). Thus, the officers are given liberty and power to use their instinct and take decisions on the spot, they do not have to refer the books every time. These decisions should be allied with the ethics and the basics of the law. Since, these laws are traditionally crafted, so the discretion needs to be there. Not amazingly, the act of discretion that officers practice is normally subject to opposition. This acrimonious debate is faced by the officers because they get bias at times (Kleinig, 1996).


Justice is a game, in which one has to play fairly rather than winning. Enforcement of the law till the administration of that law, there is the possibility of the perfect outcome of security against any violence.

As we have already discussed, the law itself does not cover every situation. At points, where the situation is already clear the officers doesn't have to watch into the books of honor. However, there are many cases where laws are so narrow that the responsible have to deal with a variety of changes that the law and the ministry have never thought of (Ohlin et.al, 1993). 

Selective fortification of the law allows the officers to redefine the justice in their terms of priority. But there priority usually does not match the majority of the social community, and then the conflict arises. Authorities have been alarmed and updates with this responsibility. Before assigning it to the officers, they have to pass through a psychological exam, so that, the authorities and the management could fight in there defense if any case of biasness occurs.

Possibly, there can be three stages in determining the enforcement of discretion before making the final choice. The first is, he has to decide that whether he should be involve in the matter or should avoid him from the event. However, this choice is not in the control of an officer because he is bound with the contract with the organization which he has to fulfill. Secondly, he has to choose that what should be the degree of his involvement in the scenario and how should he react to the situation. Lastly, they should consider the alternative ...
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