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Plebs Database Design

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The modern approach to structured systems analysis and design involves the use of systems analyst workbench technology for computer-aided software engineering (CASE). Active-in-development CASE tools provide systems analysts a graphical user interface for building process and data model diagrams. Ultimately, the conceptual data model diagrams are converted to physical relational database schemas that incorporate data and referential integrity constraints. The process model diagrams are used to generate screens, reports, menus, and computer programming code to implement business processes that maintain the data that are stored in the relational tables.


Many CASE tools incorporate a data modeling approach based on Chen's (1976) Entity-Relationship (E-R) model. The automatic conversion of an E-R diagram to a relational database schema through the use of CASE technology provides an extremely productive systems development environment. Most CASE tools advertise the ability to produce a normalized schema, at least to third normal form; however, the extent to which the generated schema is actually normalized is a function of the accuracy of the E-R diagram. As Ling (1985) points out, "it is very difficult to determine whether an E-R diagram is the best representation for a given database."

Experts in E-R modeling will readily admit that data modeling is more an art than a science. Although the transformation of an E-R diagram to a relational schema follows a set of well-defined, straight-forward rules, errors in an E-R diagram can lead to normalization problems which the transformation rules fail to capture.

Our objective here is to examine different types of E-R modeling errors in order to understand when they arise and how to avoid them. To facilitate our examination, we adopt intuitive definitions for the various normal forms based on Kent's definitions in his classic article, A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory (1983). Kent provides detail guidance on record (table) design. His definitions of the various normal forms will aid the reader in understanding how errors creep into table structures during the transformation of E-R diagrams to relational schema. Readers seeking additional guidance on normalization are referred to Date (1995) who provides what is probably the greatest depth of coverage of normalization theory in a single volume, and to the original article on the relational model by Codd (1970). Further general guidance and detailed steps for converting an E-R diagram to normal form E-R diagrams are given by Ling (1985) who provide a comprehensive algorithm for the transformation process.

Third Normal Form (3NF)

Data maintenance problems associated with 3NF arise only when a table contains two or more nonkey fields, and one of these nonkey fields determines another nonkey field, or as Kent' states, "a nonkey field is a fact about another nonkey field." E-R diagrams that fail to capture information properly about binary one-to-many relationships can result in table structures that violate third normal form. This is similar to the second normal form problem in that the E-R diagram represents a restricted or incomplete view of the problem ...
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