During the first couple of years, there's no distinction between playing and learning. The more children play with the objects in the world, the more children learn about them. Take shapes, for example: children learn that some things roll, and some things don't; some things stack into neat piles, and others don't. And size: children learn that little things fit into big things, but that the opposite isn't true.
When a child plays, they use their body as well as their senses, emotions, language and imagination. This 'rich' mix of experiences helps their learning (British Paediatric Association, 1995, pp.56-70). Plenty of rich play experiences creates a strong network of pathways in a child's brain. Billions of connections form in your child's brain during the early years a 3-year-old's brain is 80% of its adult size. By repeating rich play experiences, the brain connections become even stronger.
Development and learning are the result of interactive processes (Alanen, 1991, pp.88-95). Play is a safe place for children to integrate what's going on in each domain, to help them understand the world, how to interact with others socially, how to express and control their emotions and how to develop their symbolic capabilities.
I have chosen the egg and spoon, race rock-climbing, and nature sketching as the three different play opportunities available in the purpose built outdoor center.
Egg and Spoon Long Distance Race
One spoon and one raw egg for each child.
All children should wear rough clothes, as this race gets dirty.
Place the egg in the spoon. Balance the egg in the spoon at all times in the race. Not using the other-hand, make it to all checkpoints. Point B to point C all runners will go through car tires. Point C to point D all runners are required to walk SIDE-WAYS. Point D to point E all runners are required CRAWL.
All children complete the track and come back to where they started (point A). You can pick up the egg if the egg drops, but is not broken, while STANDING STILL (no travelling!).
Replace the on the spoon and continue the race.
The first person back without a broken egg wins.
The Rock-Climbing Race
Each team has diverse ethnic members and an equal number of males and females (if possible).
Each member of the team has to climb to the top of the tower and back down.
2 teams - one with red band the other blue
Having a team leader who's in charge of team order, sequence, spirit and the follower. Belayers shadowed by expert trainers constantly
Nature Sketching
Nature Sketching Using nature as an inspiration for artwork. Finding a nice view you can study up close.
Drawing with a pen and ink, making a charcoal sketch.
Doing a watercolor, or taking a series of nature studies photographs in the ...