One of the most crucial activities that take place during project management is planning. Projects are destined to fail if adequate attention is not given to planning the scope, the timing of activities, and project costs.
"A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there."
H.Stanley Judd.
Starting a project with a good plan is like mapping out the course the project will take. A good plan tells you which direction to go, what turns to take, and what to do if you run into a bump that causes you to take a detour. Regardless of the size, type or duration of a project, a good plan will you from beginning to end and it will help increase the likelihood that your project will be successfully managed and completed.
Definition of planning and control
"Planning is the process of establishing aims and objectives and choosing a course of action to ensure that they are achieved. This process serves to bridge the gap between where an organisation currently is and where it would like to be." (Tiernan, 2001: 117)
But planning cannot be seen as independent part of management. Weihrich and Koontz (1993) likened the relationship between planning and control to a pair of scissors - the scissors cannot work unless there are two blades.
"The control process involves measuring progress towards planned performance and, where necessary, applying corrective measures so that performance can be improved. Therefore, control is concerned with making sure that goals and objectives are attained. It is strongly related to planning in that for control to occur objectives and plans have to be available against which to measure performance. Similarly, planning cannot function effectively if there are no control mechanisms to correct deviations from plans." ...