The Objectives in the re-entry program is to facilitate Females For Reentry In the community.
Other objectives in this program is also to provide opportunity for Re-entry offenders to consolidate and demonstrate current practice and theory in an supportive and appropriate environments, making members to meet program requirements and public registration.
Target population:
The target population of this program are female offenders who are or may be experiencing difficulties in reentry into the community.
Time frame of the program:
(Re-Entry & Refresher Participants)
(full time)
10 x 6 hr Study Days - 60 hrs
+ Self Directed Learning - 100 hrs
Total - 160 hours
(will be decided later on)
Duration: 60 days
450 clinical hours
5 x 7.5 hour
Supernumerary unpaid shifts per
Results ( specific change in the program):
On completion of the program, the participants will be able to:
Analyse legal and ethical contexts of their habits
Experience easy and practiced entry through understanding the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cultural differences of women and their families
Extend professional and personal knowledge development in the society
Have woman-centred, culturally sensitive and evidence based habits
Identify evidence that underpins best reentry practice
Criterion ( how measure success):Intervention How will they be mentor?
To successfully complete the program, participants will be required to:
adequately complete all learning activities and specialized portfolio
attend all sessions
enthusiastically participate in all group learning activities
productively complete the re-entry component, including competencies pertinent to the re-entry standards
An official document will be distributed on winning achievement of the program
B. services that will be provided (be specific and elaborate on the service)
The following services will be provided;
1 Legal And Professional Practice
Functions in accordance with legislation and common law affecting offenders Accepts accountability and responsibility for own actions within society
2 Counselling Practice And Knowledge
converses knowledge to ease decision-making by the woman
Promotes effective and safe environment
Plans, assesses, evaluates, and provides effective and safe living
Plans, assesses, evaluates, and provides safe and effective living for other woman and/baby
3 Reflective And Ethical Practice
Bases re-entry on ethical decision making
Identifies individual faiths and expands these in habits that enhance safe-living exercise
Works to improve the practised development of self and others
employs research to inform re-entry practice
C. Resource plan( includes funding stream):
This reentry program will be free. It will be fully funded by the government or donors. A scholarship will also be obtainable to each flourishing participant to help meet expenses linked to the program.
Part two: Gender responsive treatment for women
Offender reentry is the hot-button topic in parole especially if offenders are females. The U.S. prison and parole systems have become a revolving door that cities and towns across the nation were not prepared to handle. Amy Solomon, a researcher with the Urban Institute, said, “A business with these kinds of results would look to reinvent itself.”14 That's exactly what is happening across the United States today.
The nation's prisons housed 3,000 female inmates 30 years before, about 3% of the total prison ...