Pipefitters Fall Protection Recommendations For Construction Industry

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Pipefitters Fall Protection Recommendations For Construction Industry

Executive summary

Construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. One of the most dangerous areas in the construction sector is construction. The concern for safety in construction continued to expand, following falls of pipefitters who are the greatest rate of fatal accidents in the construction industry. Previous research has shown that falls pipefitters have been one of the main categories in the type of workplace fatalities and pipefitters fall protection systems are not routinely used to prevent accidents pipefitters fall in construction sector. Research is needed to analyze the pipefitters falls and other hazards in construction. The main objective of this study is to analyze commercial and residential roofing behaviors, attitudes and beliefs about the pipefitters fall protection systems. A survey was distributed to commercial and residential roofing in the Midwest. Information gathered from roofers were compared and analyzed to find differences between residential and commercial roofers. A total of 129 builders participated in this study. The survey results showed that although most roofers do pipefitters commercial use fall protection devices, a significant number of residential roofers did not comply with the rules of the fall protection pipefitters and guidelines. Two main reasons for non-compliance with the rules of the fall protection pipefitters and guidelines of the construction have been found: (1) pipefitters declining productivity decline guards, (2) Hardware pipefitters protection against falls makes uncomfortable roofers. The results of this study revealed that pipefitters personal fall arrest system (PFAS) was the most common pipefitters fall protection device used by residential and commercial roofers. TAGS equipment was also the most preferred pipefitters protection against falls in both groups of roofers. For residential and commercial construction, there is a significant increase (p = 0.05 and p = 0.01) negative relationship between the application of roofers to wear or install fall protection devices Pipefitters and Pipe with falls from roofs. In the residential and commercial construction, there is one (p = 0.001 and p = 0.001) very significant positive relationship between application and actual use of equipment pipefitters protection against falls. This thesis presents the results of the survey pipefitters fall protection systems in construction and recommendations that ultimately would reduce accidents pipefitters fall.



Scope Of Study7


Study Questions And Hypothesis8

Pipefitters Falling Roofs9

Pipefitters fall-related deaths and injuries9

OSHA and Construction Safety10

Pipefitters Fall Protection Systems11

Fall arrest Pipefitters and fall restraint12

Pipefitters Fall Protection Guidelines for Residential Construction13

Methods and Procedures14

Procedure Description15

Description of the instrument (Appendix)15



Study Limitation21


Recommendations for Future Research26



Pipefitters Fall Protection Recommendations For Construction Industry


Construction remains one of the largest industries in the United States, historically accounting for about 10 percent of gross domestic product of the nation's national product and employ about 6.7 million workers (Nunnally, 2001, Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS ], 2004). The industrial workers often work with potentially dangerous tools or building materials at great heights. Therefore, they are more susceptible to workplace injuries (BLS, 2004). In particular, fatal accidents are a serious problem in ...
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