The physical theatre is a part of a branch known as contemporary theatre. It emphasizes the physical language as the main engine of theatrical drama. The body language is more important than the narration. The concept art style abstractors emphasize the aspects of formal and structural, accentuating, highlighting its value and power of expression. All these are done without trying to imitate realistic models or forms of Abstract art that makes the justified need for symbolic representation and tends to replace an autonomous language, equipped with their own meanings (Callery 2001, pp. 34-37). It uses language that has the concepts of form, space and time variations, to integrate the movement in the body, creating a composition that can exist independently of real world links.
Augusto Boal
Son of Portuguese peasants who settled in Brazil to improve their living conditions, at 10 years Boal began directing his cousins and brothers in small assemblies intended to entertain family gatherings on Sundays. At age 22, intending to study in chemical engineering, he moved to America, but ended up studying drama at Columbia University in New York. In 1953 he moved to the U.S. with the intention to study in chemical engineering, but there will end up studying theatre (Deakin University 2004, pp. 27-29). Write plays and staged the “Writer's Group”, an association of young writers, including the house across the street to be setting the characteristic features of his work.
In 1955 he returned to Brazil and assumed the artistic direction of the Arena Theatre in São Paulo where he founded, Playwriting Seminar Arena Theatre (1958-1961). In 1960 he wrote Revolution in South America in 1961 staged in the Arena Theatre, in which the protagonist, a man of the people, is victims of all types of farms by ruling class. From this period are Joseph, the birth to the grave, the adaptation of the play by Lope de Vega The best judge, King Trial in the new sun and Whack gallop. In 1965, with Series starts Guarnieri Arena Conta, which told through the Brazilian historical struggle for the liberation of the people.
Importance of the theatre
The importance of theatre is that it shows the reality of life to the people. Boal, Spolin and Johnston are the famous personalities related to the theatre. The reason is that they have made all their plays important for the society. The reason is that it helps in improving the society. Their plays have always talked about what to do so that the society moves towards development. It helps the youngster in developing the thinking of doing something good, and to play a role towards the betterment of the nation.
Essential characteristics
Every object has a shape. The basic elements of the form are line and volume. The first exercise that applies to human is the observation and possibilities of the body (Murray 2008, pp. 101-103). There are phrases that deliver the teacher, and then enter the improvisation phase where the student begins to raise the mobility ...