Physical And Mental Burdens Credited To Oppression By Males And Society

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Physical and Mental Burdens Credited to Oppression by Males and Society

Thesis Statement

The report is based on oppression by males on women encounter in their lifetime is unparalleled by all other forms of oppression. Women are harassed while driving, taking walks, going to a corner store, almost anywhere when they are alone or with other women. It's a shame our society has formed such an oppressive culture over women. It's oppression on top of oppression to dictate how oppressed people should rebel. And what's most difficult about women's oppression, is women must live in the same house with their oppressors (unconscious and/or conscious superiors). Most feminists are responding to their own, personal oppression. They're fighting an oppressive system, not individual men, yet people throw titles like man-hater . Oppressed groups are going to be stifled, belittled, and picked on for their rebellion, no matter how they choose to rebel.


The paper discusses about the exception of women in the eighteenth and nineteenth in a holistic context. It attempts to highlight various aspects of the truth about the physical and mental demands of the women of eighteenth and nineteenth centuries being oppressed by society.

“The paper considers the short stories including A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, An Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman to enlighten the concept of the physical and mental burdens credited to oppression of the women in the eighteenth and nineteenth by society (Kessler pp. 102).”


“Kate Chopin is considered as one of the foremost Southern regionalist writers. Kate Chopin's fiction stories show the social and sexual detail and delicacy of cultures. In works such as The Awakening, she presents ironic and even daring treatments of the sexual, racial and moral underpinnings of the society. Whereas, Emily is a wilted Southern Belle whose life has faded beyond recognition as a rose fades without nutrients( Kessler pp. 102)”.

She has fallen into disrepair just as her house has become a decaying shack. A woman who longed for a complete life filled with love and adventure, ended in a tragic death. Similarly, in The Yellow Wallpaper the main character is a woman who might have been slowly slipping into a state of insanity, but her husband caused the process to escalate as quickly as it did.

“Gilman's insanity was not inflicted maliciously or intentionally, but grew out of erroneous ideas (Howe, pp.8).”

“Gilman's insanity was a result of an uneducated diagnosis. Her husband, and brother, had believed in the treatment of rest cure which was developed by S. Weir Mitchell, a Philadelphia physician(Kermode, pp 36)”.”

“This treatment required confining the patient to a hospital or remote residence in complete isolation, putting them on bed rest, increasing their food intake, iron supplements, and exercise. When Gilman's husband, John, moved them into the new house he immediately took to the rest cure treatment (Kermode, pp 28)”.

Charlotte was put in a room upstairs, away from everyone. Although he shared a room with her, he was hardly ever home ...
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