Philosophy Term Paper

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Philosophy Term Paper: People Who Get Something for Nothing Become Good For Nothing

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People Who Get Something for Nothing Become Good For Nothing


If we observe our society, we can find obvious example of people who have everything in life, success, money, reputation and image, but what they don't have is happiness. Every person has his own definition if happiness, people normally associate their happiness to those things that they do not have. This way we can relate happiness to achievement. Then, if we consider those people among us, who are blessed with everything in life, they can buy everything they want in life or go anywhere they want. How do they define happiness? When they have everything, what do they strive for?

A common question about what drives a human ability to strive in achieving his desires. Human desires are imperative is assessing human personality, which may be distinctive and varies on the basis of requirement, circumstances, needs and social influences. Sense of achievement is the concept that may only develop in an individual, when he achieves a certain position, or successfully accomplishes his desires, needs and wants. Although seems similar, there are significant differences between human desires, needs and wants, and it is important to develop an understanding about these at this stage, as they will guide the rest of our explanation (Campbell, Fehr, 1990).


Desires refer to those requirements that may be either realistic or unrealistic, human desires are reflections of their thoughts and dream. This is a vague idea or concept that a person holds about the achievement of a certain object or circumstance. Desires are not backed with facts and resources to achieve them; they may be a result form personal speculation, intuition, social influences and environmental concerns.


Now considering human needs, human needs are based on the personal and physiographical requirement of a person. We can take the example, of Maslaw's hierarchy theory of needs. Human needs starts form physiological needs of food, clothing and shelter, when humans are satisfied form these needs, they moved on to security needs, security form external threats that can affect their health, wellbeing and personalities. Moving on to other needs, after fulfilling the security needs. Social needs refer to the human requirements of belongingness. Man is a social animal; human requires being associated with a group or class of people who are similar in attribute, culture, practice, cast, creed, nation, color, race, religion or personalities, mental approach, perceptions, and various other elements. This association will help them in identifying and representing themselves to other such groups or associations. This results in the establishment of societies, communities, counties and nations (Rosenberg, 1965).

However, the bigger the group the more it is prone to disburse into subgroups. Those similarities that we discussed earlier in the establishment of groups become secondary when human commonalities based on other significant and meaningful similarities, like the way of thinking and perspective similarities. There is undeniable element of jealously and comparison among individuals of a ...
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