Philosophy Paper

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Philosophy Paper

Philosophy Paper

God's reality is a theme not only of conviction, but also of evidence by philosophical expression. One proof, well suited to the common knowledge of our time, is that a Being outside of time, whom we appropriately call God, created the universe long ago. Apostle says (Rom. I., 20),

"The unseen things of God are visible through His manifest works." [Thomas Aquinas]

But this would not be so unless it was promising to exhibit God's existence through His works. What must be recognized relating to anything is whether it exists. It is possible to demonstrate God's existence, from work of His works more certainly well known to us. If we just think for a little moment that whenever this universe came in to being some force must had initiated certain actions, which ultimately resulted the present galaxies of the universe. There has to be some one in the nature of things who did it and was the first Being, the first sovereign of all things. This first being is what is called God. This proves that when there was nothing (physical), there existed some one, which created the physical things. This some one is called god. If the whole universe is destroyed, the left over will be the same being which had created the universe. This left over is called God.

The existence of the god can well be understood when it is thought that some one creates every physical thing in the world. It may be house, plane, buildings or dams. There is nothing in the world which is manufactured by it self. Why doesn't it happen that a road starts existing at its own and a car starts running on it or an aircraft is automatically manufactured and stands on a self-constructed airport? This will never happen because there is always a creator of the physical things. Like wise it is not possible that there is no creator of the sun, moon, Planets and human beings etcetera. The creator of all these may be very powerful and is called God. The Islamic concept of God's existence depends on the same principle. It this holy book God says: -

“Verily we created man from a produce of wet earth; then we made him a drop of seed in a safe Lodging; we then fashioned the drop a clot, then we fashioned the clot a chewed lump; then we fashioned the chewed lump into bones; then we clothed the bones with flesh; then we made it as another creation. So blessed be Allah the best of creators” [Quran (23:12-14)]

Any creator, who invents or creates some thing, expects his creation to work according to the instructions and to the properties given to it. If a television is created and it neither does nor works according to the desired specifications the creator will and the users will discard the same and will be reconstructed. Similarly the creator of the human beings expects that the human should act according to the instructions and the given ...
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