Philosophy Of Education

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Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education


Education is the requirement of only one creature on earth and that is the human being (Kant, 2003). People attain education in order to understand the critical aspects of life and to earn a living that is worthy of its kind. There are several reasons for attaining education and learning of people. Every person may have a different approach towards the attainment of education in their life. Usually, in our society, people educate themselves to earn a better living or to get the mastery in their fields of occupation. However, it cannot be said that the ultimate goal of education is just to earn a happy and peaceful life where there is not financial constraints. Education develops the personality of the people, the reasoning and thought process, and it impacts the decision making power of the people. An uneducated and an educated person cannot be alike. It is because they have different perspectives of life and their existence. Education provides information, polishes the analytical skills and it has also been identified that educated leads to the confidence among the people. By joining all these aspects, we get to know that education has a strong linkage to the personality development of people. This paper discusses the philosophy of education and the goals and purposes of getting an education and providing education to other people. It discusses the overall purpose of education, the idea of the existence of schools and a particular philosophy of education. The paper follows the historical figures, past and present educational leaders, authors and politicians who have significantly contributed to academics and learning processes. In this paper, we will analyze the uniformity of education and its consequences. The classic educational philosophy of Immanuel Kant is followed in order to analyze the philosophy of education presented in the paper. To clear the pathway towards teaching and the education system, a critical evaluation of the role of education in society is provided along with the role of teacher. The most important responsibilities of the teacher are analyzed, and suggestions are provided as to how to prepare prospective teachers. These factors will be linked to my role of teacher in the subject of Marine Biology. I will be teaching the undergraduate class of students with majors in Marine Biology. The role of students is also assessed, and their motivation to learn is evaluated. A framework for the ideal educational structure regarding the curriculum, assessment and instructions in schools is explained. In the end, the philosophical beliefs of Immanuel Kant are linked to the work of teacher and educator.

Purpose of Education

In my opinion, the overall purpose of education is a diverse perspective that includes the development and enhancement of personality and compliance with the societal laws and norms. The education provides us with the thinking and reasoning abilities which we cannot learn without education. The educated person has a broad perspective of life and understanding of the reason of his or her existence in this ...
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