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Philosophy 1


According to Hobbes the emergence of political society was preceded by the so called state of nature - the state of absolute, unrestricted freedom of human beings equal in their rights and abilities. People are also equal in their wish to possess the same rights. That's why the state of nature for Hobbes is the state of war which is of every man, against every man”. Human perfect freedom causes an intention to anarchy, chaos and constant struggle, it justifies men killing men. In such situation the restriction of each person's perfect freedom for the sake of order and common weal is essential. People must mutually restrict their freedom to keep the social peace; they set definite rules for this purpose, which are called the social contract.

Restricting their natural freedom, people at the same time deliver the right to keep the order and to make everyone observe the rules of the social contract to a certain person or a group of people. This is the way the state which power is sovereign, that is independent of any inner or outer forces, is formed. According to Hobbes, the state power must be absolute which means that for the sake of society the state must have the right to use any measures of compulsion to make the citizens obey. That is why absolute monarchy with its unrestricted power over the society seemed an ideal state type for Hobbes.

The views expressed by another English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) represent a different approach to the human state of nature. In his Two Treatises on Government Locke unlike Hobbes with his statement of war of every man against every man considers the perfect freedom the source of natural equality and eagerness to observe the sensible natural laws, not the source of constant struggle.

Thesis statement:

The willingness to follow these natural laws drives people to understanding the vital importance of delivering some of their rights and duties to the government which is to provide the further social development. This is how the social contract is concluded and political society formed.

1.Describe the political views of Hobbes, including his idea of the state of nature and why people give up the freedoms they enjoy in it. Also include a discussion of how what is moral is defined by what is legal. Describe the basic nature of contract theory (compared to the Divine Right of Kings) and how Hobbes was an early representative of it, and how it reflects the nature of the American Government.

Answers: The political views of Hobbes: political bodies determine what is just and unjust so, in a sense there cannot be any unjust. And when they create any injustice there can always be a better alternative. Hobbes was sick of tyrants justifying their power by divine right. Political view is “Psychological egoism” all human action is motive by human self- interest(Robinson 2003).

Sovereign power is absolute, Hobbes argues in state of nature. “Where there was no government” Life being completely in secure no ...
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