Phillips Electronics

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Diversity In Phillips Electronics

Diversity In Phillips Electronics

Cultural diversity concept in organizations has not been broadly examined in fields of business and management, while focusing mostly on multi-culturism in comprehensive schools and searching for the importance of culture cognition in business. They key competence of the individual enabling them to operate in the context of diversified culture is the intercultural one, and foreign scientists have been paying particular attention to the analysis of its notion and meaning over the last two decades. The purpose of this paper is to identify an issue related with the diversity at Phillips Corporation. This paper aims to highlight the issues related to diversity in Phillips Corporation; moreover, the paper will present a plan in order to cope with certain situation in the workplace (Amaram, 2009).

Underestimation of cross-cultural gaps in the joint work often leads to a crisis in Phillips Corporation that deteriorates its business relations and lowers business activity. Meanwhile, the connection of Phillips culture in the management involves not only openness and mutual trust, but a serious effort to develop plans for strategic development and marketing programs (Alesina & La Ferrara, 2006).

In context of Phillips Corporation, this means the need to consider differences in national cultures. Phillips Corporation goes far beyond national boundaries, drawing into its orbit more and more people from different cultural outlook. As a result, of cultural differences begin to play an increasing role in workplace and stronger influence on the marginal efficiency of business activities. From this and, there are cross-cultural issues in Phillips in form of the contradictions at work in the new social and cultural conditions, due to differences in thinking patterns between groups of people.

Identification of Issues Related to Diversity at Phillips Corporation

Cultural Barriers in Phillips Corporation

In Phillips Corporation, cultural environment factors create the greatest difficulty. Take into account the factors of the cultural environment also makes a complex and multi-level culture, which determines the diversity of its functions in the life of every society. Cross-cultural aspect of the establishment of national wealth has recently become the object of attention in United States as a joint venture made up 40% of gross domestic product and activated the international transfer of technology, yet at the level of mentality of the nation continues to exist a stereotype in which the true culture (including business, economic) is only their own culture. In other words, there is a problem of ...
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