Pharmaceutical Logistics

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Pharmaceutical logistics

Pharmaceutical logistics

Robotics in healthcare service

By relieving the workers to carry out difficult tasks in the manufacturing of cars, we can say that the robots, from their first industrial applications, participated in improving the physical or mental health of some workers (Erhan 2008, pp. 325). It is a very optimistic presentation of the robot workstation.

Today, medical applications, broadly defined, robotics are more direct. Inspired by the work done teleportation for intervention in hostile environments such as nuclear power, researchers have imagined how quickly the robot can assist the surgeon by providing the ability to drive, remote tools in minimally invasive surgery better conditions for efficiency, comfort and safety. Robotics is also found in the field of assistance to disabled persons: a robot can help a quadriplegic to manipulate objects in its environment, a robot arm may replace lost an arm in an accident, and a robot may attend a physiotherapist during the rehabilitation phase by providing precision in the measurement of the gesture and accompanying the patient (De Kok 2008, pp. 278).

Many research projects developed in laboratories around the world, and the first industrial products expected with great anticipation for the disabled (Connolly 2007, pp. 225). Scientists from the Universities of Warwick, Cardiff, Dublin and Newcastle are among those involved in this project "IWARD." His intention is to have a prototype ready by 2010.

Without displacing the crucial task in the area of human health, these robots would perform a series of basic tasks that occupy the time of medical staff. Nurses would avocados mechanical cleaning tasks and information. Programmed to clean up any spills, reduce hospital infections. Would also be used to carry messages and distributing medicines among patients, including a remote temperature control with laser thermometers. Another role would be to guide visitors through the hospital to the patient's bedside they mentioned (Christopher 1993, pp. 258).

Communication between the robots would be essential for the proper development of their obligations and can coordinate tasks among themselves and seek information without physical assistance. Thomas Schlegel, the project leader, has assembled a team of experts to develop advanced software that allows this interaction and intelligence (Chao 2007, pp. 66). The robots would be equipped with sensors and cameras to their movement and voice recognition technology and faces to communicate with patients and recognize visitors.

With all the functions provided, these robotic nurses can relieve pressure on hospitals, allowing medical staff to devote more time to care for their patients.

Drivers of using robots in a pharmaceutical distribution

Due to errors that can occur in the dispensing of medication is necessary to improve the dispensing of medications. It is also true that you can greatly reduce provider costs by automation (Bowersox 1995, pp. 65).

Today it is increasingly using robots to deliver drugs in pharmacies and hospitals. A widely used model is the Homerus. This allows users to choose medicine as striped codes that are available 24 hours a day. The robot also has a packaging unit dose packaged drugs needed, then the code marked with ...
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