Pharmaceutical Company

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Business Plan for a Pharmaceutical company

Business Plan for a Pharmaceutical company

Executive Summary/Overview

Company Summary

Pain Away Ltd. is a going concern, a Delaware corporation formed in January 1995 to manufacture and sell its premier launch pharmaceutical product, a topical pain remedy using FDA-approved homeopathic ingredients developed for the simple purpose of relieving pain. The company was formed by its parent S-corporation, Peale, Inc. in order to market products nationally and internationally. Peale, Inc. was formed in February 1994 to complete the development of the launch product. The formation of the company was a significant step in a 9-year process of refining and testing a homeopathic formula first used by company founder and CEO Robert Peale to alleviate his pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. The R&D phase of this product began when Mr. Peale purchased the original formula, did a thorough study of homeopathy, and refined the formula to its present marketable state.

From the beginning of R&D, Mr. Peale worked within FDA guidelines in order to secure FDA registration. Then, in February 1994, the company was formed to finally manufacture and sell the product. Starting with only a handful of customers, including some professionals, chiropractors, physical therapists, etc., only 19 months of operation have yielded 12,000 individual customers with an 80% reorder rate. The current customer base now includes medical doctors from different specialties, sports trainers, and athletes, both professional and amateur. The company expects to show a profit in 1996 and estimates that it will be very profitable in 3 years.


Mr. Peale is 49 years old and has a 25-year history in sales, sales management, and marketing for a tool distribution company. His deep study of homeopathic medicines started in 1985 and included studies in nutritional supplements. Mr. Peale has been invited to sit on a newly-formed FDA committee addressing the growing national interest in natural medicines.

Curtis Company president, Ms. Alana has 25 years of experience in retail and direct sales. She has been a senior sales director and sales trainer for Beautiful You Cosmetics, has owned and operated a retail sporting goods store, and has managed a 15 person, $1 million department for a major chain retailer. She also has some banking experience.

Vice-president of marketing, Ryan Lemon has 32 years of experience as production manager, buyer, sales manager, and marketing manager. He was director of marketing for Pilgrim Health and was responsible for their first launch into New Jersey which led to their first $18MM in sales (in 3 years). He has a BS degree in textile engineering and has also done independent marketing consulting.

Product and Competition

The R&D mission was to develop a greaseless, odorless, topical cream which was measurably more effective at relieving pain than any other OTC (over the counter) topical product. This mission has been accomplished. The company has collected anecdotal, testimonial, and uncontrolled medical study evidence that Pain Away is more effective than the leading topical analgesics such as Arthritin and others. The product's effectiveness in relieving pain is its most powerful benefit, besides the added benefits ...
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