Personalisation in Pervasive Software Applications for Heart patient
Home care is increasingly seen as a promising alternative to traditional care services. The widespread diffusion of mobile computing along with the integration of telecommunication systems and the Internet enables a scenario where the promise of ubiquitous computing is starting to be realised. This scenario calls for novel services the can be deployed on-demand close to the user and customised to not only client needs, but also to the client current location. In particular, group membership management services should exploit the visibility of client location to organize effective solutions for group communication and interoperation and to promote the design and development of advanced collaborative applications, such as traffic management and
Role Of Users in Pervasive Software Applications13
Context and User Context14
Context Models15
User Preferences and Profile16
Role Of Personalisation In Pervasive Environment18
Project Proposal19
Personalized Services21
Problem Domain22
Related Work22
Research Objectives23
Project Outcome23
Development Tools24
Chapter 3: Emerging Solution for Group Management27
in Pervasive Computing27
Chapter 4: Implementation of The OWL Framework for Heart Patients30
The OWL Model31
The Architecture34
Middleware Components38
OWL at Work in an E-Care Scenario41
Chapter 7: Conclusion & Future Works46
Chapter 1: Introduction
In order to understand pervasive software applications we have to understand pervasive system. Nowadays, new challenges have appeared in information systems where users would like to obtain the needed information at any time and everywhere. These challenges have made developers to assimilate mobile terminals in their applications building a new research domain called pervasive (or ubiquitous) computing (Birnbaum, 1997 23). Such applications have to become accustomed to a set of parameters such as the type of the terminal, the connection state, the user surroundings, which can change during the application use. All these parameters describe a related situation.
Over the past two decades (Weiser, 1999 1) , the philosophy of ubiquitous and pervasive computing (Hansmann, 2003 52) have been growing, based on the idea that the user is surrounded by many different devices able of capturing and processing information, and interacts with them as and when needed. Applications supporting such variety, known as pervasive software applications, which have to notice the situation of the user in his/her environment and consequently adapt their actions [including services, data and user interface (UI)] to that situation, without clear demand from the user. Users play an important role in such applications. According to users interaction the system perform.
In different context situations, users may admittance various data and develop different aspects of an application. A widespread concept of context, going further than location (and time), has been proposed by (Dey, 2000 458) as “any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity, where an entity can be a person, place, or physical or computational object”. A pervasive environment needs high performance study and a short reaction time due to the boundaries of the capabilities of devices that we use in such environments. In pervasive computing system user preferences and the contexts ...