Persuasive Letter

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Persuasive Letter

April 08, 2010

School Authority,

Fullerton College, CA

123 Any Street,

Anytown CA 12345-987

Respected Mr ABC,

I would like to offer my suggestion in the consideration of the donation to the school authorities by the Alumni. The best I think which could be done by that money is to provide students with physical fitness classes and facilities.

These days quality physical education programs are considered to enhance the physical, mental and social-emotional growth of a child. Learners can learn how to build up, maintain, and self-assess health, health, and motor skills by the help of physical activities in which they can contribute for a lifetime. There are so lots of advantages to having physical education in our schools. 

In physical education classes, student will be given lots of chances that are not given in the typical environment  setting. Kids are full of energy and require to move around. as in a classroom setting, if a child requirements to move around or talk and let several energy out they will be reprimanded. Again, physical condition is a big concern for nowadays young people. Just through physical education can students learn the accurate and fundamental skills for throwing, skipping, catching, and kicking to name a few; It is only through physical education that students can gain the awareness for developing and checking their own fitness levels.

Comprehensive school-based physical activity programmes consist of physical education and other physical activity opportunities including recess and other physical activity breaks, intramurals, interscholastic sports, and walk and bike to school initiatives. This paper describes the characteristics of school-based physical education and physical activity policies and programmes in the United Kingdom at the county, school, and classroom levels. School environments may promote or hinder physical activity in young people.

Since 1990, funding shortfalls and competing time demands, including high-stakes testing, have crowded physical education out of many school curricula, contributing to epidemic obesity. Although most elementary students still take some physical education, (Shepard, 2004) found only 5 percent of schools requiring physical education for twelfth standards. Since 2004, many counties have moved to restore physical education. Likewise, collegiate physical education requirements declined in the late twentieth century; by 2003, barely ten colleges retained swimming tests. To address colleges' concerns about obesity, mental health, and other issues, physical education requirements may return as “Wellness education” at the college level.

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