Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essay

Pre-Writing Thesis

Staying healthy and eating good food is something everyone tries for but people end up with a biased choice based on personal tastes and liking missing out details of nutitional facts.

Thesis Statement

A vegetarian diet has all imporetant nutrients for the body and is safer and equivalent in terms of health and nutrition.

Plan of Argument

The idea for a perfect diet is that it should be complete with all important nutrients for the body.

Main Supporting points

Vegetarianism is a very positive and productive dietary plan. Eating vegetarian is considered by many to be very healthy.

Point 1

The balance of nutrients is well rounded and all the requirements for a balanced diet can be easily met.

Point 2

On average, people who adhere to a vegetarian diet live longer than those who do not.

Point 3

The risks of heart disease and certain types of cancer are greatly reduced by following a vegetarian diet.


A healthy, cost effective, and productive diet is something everyone who likes to take care of themselves strives for. Whatever your reasons for choosing a particular diet are, a vegetarian diet will meet your needs in a positive and productive manner.

Point 1

The balance of nutrients is well rounded and all the requirements for a balanced diet can be easily met.

Supporting evidence and explanation

In comparison, raw vegetables will keep twice as long as raw meat. Another factor to consider is preparation. Raw vegetables can be eaten. Raw meat cannot. Raw meat must first be cooked at a minimum safe temperature for a certain period of time before it can be safely eaten

Opposing claim to this point

When many people think of a well-rounded diet, they think of the four food groups: breads and cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and meats and fish

Supporting evidence refuting that opposing claim and explanation

Vegetarianism only excludes meats and fish and still provides for a well-rounded diet. Much of the protein and nutrients found in meat can be found in vegetarian foods such as beans and grain.

Point 2

On average, people who adhere to a vegetarian diet live longer than those who do not.

Supporting evidence and explanation

A healthy, cost effective, and productive diet is something everyone who likes to take care of themselves strives for. Whatever the reasons for choosing a particular diet are, a vegetarian diet will meet one's needs in a positive and productive manner.

Opposing claim to this point

Vegetarianism is very left wing and not very popular in mainstream society. It is often frowned upon as if vegetarians are doing something others are not even though there is very little in a vegetarian diet that is not also in a meat inclusive diet.

Supporting evidence refuting that opposing claim and explanation

Vegetarianism is gaining a lotof popularity as a complete diet. Latest research into the area highlights the fact that many nations accept and acknowledge the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

Point 3

Well-planned vegetarian diets can be nutritionally adequate for all segments of the population.

Opposing claim to this point

Vegetarian diet is only good for ...
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