Persons With Aids (Pwa)

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Persons with AIDS (PWA)


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the concerns regarding the communal and healthcare issue in the United States which is persons with AIDS. The core objective of this paper is to focus on AIDS in the residents of the United States; moreover, the paper explores the scope of the issue. Nevertheless, the paper describes PWA issue in detail and presents the groups that are responsible to construct effective strategies to resolve the issues of PWA. In addition, the paper also defines the stakeholder or the concern, funding sources and the barriers that exist in the way to resolve PWA concerns. Finally, the paper suggests optimal recommendations for the PWA issues and provides platform for future researches.

Table of Contents



Description of the Selected Health Problem4

The Scope of the Problem5

Groups Providing Services to Persons with AIDS6

Barriers to Solve the Health Related Issues Associated with PWA7

Services Needed7


Communication Challenges9

Regulatory Issues10

Inter-Agency Scope of Delivery and Care10

Financing/Economics/Budgetary Issues11


Major Stakeholders Involved in Solving Issues Related to PWA13

Recommendations for PWA Issue14



Persons with AIDS (PWA)


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore a crucial issue faced by the healthcare industry of the United States. According to distinct sources, the increasing rate of persons with AIDS is one of the crucial problems faced by the healthcare industry of the country. Moreover, the issue is not only related to the healthcare industry; but, it is also considered as a communal problem as AIDS is a contagious disease. The WHO set the aim to halt the dispersion of HIV/AIDS by 2015. The aim is feasible as HIV/AIDS is preventable. AIDS is initiated by the human immune deficiency virus (HIV). By deactivating or impairing units of the body's immune scheme, HIV gradually decimates the body's proficiency to battle diseases and definite cancers.

The scientists and researchers are trying their level best to discover the cure for the HIV; however, different scientific studies portray that the cure for the virus is not possible. Nevertheless, there are certain scenarios in which the virus can be prevented. In addition, there are several technological advancements through which the discovery of the cure can be facilitated. According to the WHO, about 40 million persons are dwelling with HIV/AIDS globally. AIDS is the premier origin of death worldwide for mature individuals elderly 15-49. In 2006, 4.3 million persons were newly contaminated with HIV and 2.9 million persons passed away of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses.

Description of the Selected Health Problem

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is capable to cause one of the most critical diseases in the world (AIDS). This virus deteriorates the defense mechanism inside the human body; making it vulnerable to every infectious virus that attacks the body. According to contrastive studies, the 100% cure of AIDS is not possible; however, the technological advancements and the augmentation in the scientific research have discovered the drugs that can suppress the infection cycle. These drugs suppress the progress of infected cells; hence, the life span of an individual suffering from HIV increases.

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