Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

[Name of Student]

Personal Statement

Intended Majors

I plan to do majors in Business and Economics.

Development of interest in Economics and Business

My interest in business started developing at a very early age. Development of interest in business is mainly due to my father's business, which has expanded from a retail agency to a limited liability company (LLC). My father's company sells medical equipments to the hospitals of China. The business has flourished in the recent years. My inspiration driver is my father's success as a business man. The way he had worked hard towards the growth and development of his business has forced me to think as an entrepreneur and start my own business after completion of my studies. It will help me in implementing what I have learned from my studies and experience. Since my child I showed great interest in the autobiographies and success stories of various business leaders who are the height of success, which enabled me to develop leadership skills. My aim is to inculcate those characteristics in myself so that I can also emerge as a successful business man. My father has always helped me to develop those characteristics. My father mainly emphasized on the communication skills because; effective communication yields convincing results and helps in building quick relationships with people. My father told me that after developing communication skills one needs to develop the ability to think creatively, organize effectively, plan, manage time and take effective decisions. Endless support from my family especially my father helped in developing and shaping these prominent qualities of an exemplary leader.

My interest in Economics developed after watching a popular movie known as “Beautiful Mind” in which, it is explained that economic issues can be resolved easily with the help of mathematics, logic and game theories. John Nash impressed me with his realistic economic theories. John Nash discovered Nash equilibrium with the help of mathematics, which helped him in solving economic problems. I used my mathematical skills to economic concepts, which I learn in my classes. By applying differential equation and mathematic mathematical analysis I can derive consumption function and market equilibrium. My interest then developed by incorporating applied mathematics for analyzing economics.

The world economic conditions are continuously changing and every country on the planet is affected the economic slowdown. Many companies got bankrupted due to high level of borrowing and were forced to leave business arena. The sub-prime mortgage crisis ...
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