Personal Leadership Development Plan

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Personal Leadership Development Plan

Personal Leadership Development Plan

A leader is a person who is able to motivate its followers or people who are working under him. Same is the case with managers in an organization. In order to be effective, they should be able to motivate its employees and then only they will be able to work as per the requirements of the organization. This is what I have learned from Peter Gibbons. He made sure that in order to derive the best performance from the employees, they should be motivated so that they are able to work as the manager is saying and are fulfilling the requirements of the company.

When working in an organization, a person first and foremost makes him comfortable with the working environment of the organization and the people he or she is working with. When the person is comfortable with the people around and the working environment of the workplace, he points out the changes that should be implemented in the organization. This helps the person in bringing changes in the organization that will help the company in working in a more effective way. This change is in the betterment of the company and the working processes.

If I am a leader, human resource frame is the frame I most likely to use when looking at an organization situation. The human resource frame highlights the relationship between individuals and organizations. I believe that for a company or a group, people are more important than its products. People's skills, attitudes, energy, and commitment are vital resources that can make or break an enterprise. “A one standard deviation improvement in the human resources system was associated with an increase in shareholder wealth of $41,000 per employee.” Therefore, I try to create a good fit between individuals and system. When the fit between these two is poor, one or both suffer. Individuals are exploited or exploit the organization - or both become victims. A good fit is beneficial for both individuals and organization. Individuals find meaningful and satisfying work, and organization gets the talent and energy to achieve success.

I currently work in East Bay. The cultural environment at East Bay is very diverse. The students have diverse cultural backgrounds. The employees that are hired are also from different backgrounds. This helps in ensuring that people from different backgrounds meet each other and get to know more about each other, their cultures and their backgrounds. This has always improved the performance because there is healthy competition. Healthy competition always improves the performance. Talking about the students, they want to perform better as compared to the other people from different backgrounds. This creates an environment of competition which is good for the institute, as well as, the students.

Talking about the employees of East Bay, they also benefit from the environment of diverse culture as they get to know more about different people and their cultures and backgrounds. This helps them in gaining more knowledge about different people in the world and ...
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