Personal Ethics

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Personal Ethics

Personal Ethics


The definition of ethics in the sample to it as a branch of philosophy is considered a normative science because it deals with the rules of human conduct distinguished from the formal and empirical science. Empirical social sciences collide at certain points with the interests of ethics because they both study social behavior, the first attempt to determine the relationship between individual ethics and social behavior.


Role and Importance of Personal Ethics in Psychology, Principles, and the Code of Conduct

There are a number of ethical principles, which a professional psychologist needs to follow in practice. Professional and ethical standards are requirements for the level of professional qualification of psychologists, implementing them in their activities of ethical behavior as in relationships with colleagues, the scientific community, and with their clients. These principles reinforce the responsibility of the psychologist and the nature of his relationship with other participants in the psychotherapeutic process. Psychological practice by non-professionals, ignore ethical norms, which discredit the reputation of social therapist and consultant (Brown, 2008). There is a growing importance and significance of personal ethics in the field of psychology. There are principles ensuring the adherence to professional ethics in the practice of psychology.

Code of Conduct

Establish Rapport: At first, the interviewer needs to introduce himself. He needs to be polite, kind, and friendly. However, it is also essential that the interviewer remains professional. Establishment of a good rapport helps the interview to go along smoothly.

Describe the Process: Secondly, the interview needs to communicate who he is, the requirements of the interview and the process, why the case is of interest to him, communicate what the interview includes, and the purpose of the interview. It is also imperative to ask if the client has any problems with recording the interview. If the client is not comfortable, then the interviewer should not record.

Obtain Informed Consent: In order to remain within the ethical standards for psychological research, it is imperative for the interviewer to have informed consent from the person (Jacob, 2010). In case, the client is a minor, then the same is obtainable from his parents or guardian. In a written consent form, there will be information related to the information described in step 2. In addition, the consent form needs to include information about the purpose and process of the interview. For instance, the session will be recorded or not. The interviewer needs to mention in the form if he intends to use the client's quotation elsewhere. It is not essential to have a written consent for the sake of ethical standards. An interviewer can also obtain and rely on verbal consent. Some clients or parents may not want to provide a written consent for their purposes. Therefore, the interviewer does not need to force them to have a written consent. However, it may be necessary to provide the client or his family written information about the interview process.

Discuss How Ethics can Affect How You will Apply Psychological Principles to Personal, Spiritual, Social, and ...
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