Personal Development

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Personal Development

Personal Development

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Personal Development


The goal of personal development contains actions, which improve responsiveness and distinctiveness. The main aim of personal development is to develop prowess, potential, create skilled proficient human resource and facilitates for others. The chance of employability improves the standard and the quality of life. It also contributes towards the understanding of dreams and individual aspirations. On the other hand, the model of personal development is not restricted to support, but it contains informal and official happenings, which help in developing others. To conclude, personal development, which proceeds in the framework of organizations or institutions, it then refers to the approaches, programs, apparatuses, procedures, and evaluation systems, which support the progress and development of human capital on an individual level within an organization (Albert, pp: 184).


Within an organization or contributing towards any work activity the personal development of an individual includes following such activities:

It helps in improving a person understands of Self-Awareness

Also helps in enlightening self-knowledge

Contributing or participating in the work activities help in building or refurbishing individual identity

Taking part in the work activities help in developing individual strengths and prowess

This also helps in augmenting the wealth of the individual and the rest

While working in an organizational context the motivation helps us to re-build or even refine the spiritual development

This helps in identifying also improving individual potential and abilities

This also helps in crafting employability and modifying the human capital

Personal development tends to shape and enhance lifestyle or even the standard of life

Personal development also helps in improving health of the people

Personal development is the main source of fulfilling the aspirations of an individual

Personal development helps in improving the social abilities of the people

One of the basic things which will help through personal development is the individual's belief, along with his or her skills (Albert, pp: 13).

SWOT Analysis

I have done Internship at Beth Israel hospital in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. It was a very good experience and i got the opportunity to learn a lot. I began having a passion for fitness ever since playing soccer as a child and participating in martial arts. I began to read books and research articles on muscular fitness and flexibility because I understood that those were the two major components. I needed to improve in order to excel in soccer and martial arts. When I was 22, I become a personal trainer through the National Academy of sports Medicine and began ...
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