Performance Evaluation In Hitachi

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Performance Evaluation in Hitachi

Performance Evaluation in Hitachi

First Draft

Performance appraisals are of importance to the Hitachi, as they often provide the only measure of an individual's contribution and as such the means for identifying either over or under achievement and determine the merit increase. (Nemerov, 2003) The information on a performance appraisal identifies strengths and weaknesses among employees for a defined period. A performance appraisal also helps evaluators locate areas for necessary training and development. The performance appraisal also helps employers implement appropriate reward policies designed to improve the performance of the employees. (Druskat, 2001)

Hitachi Europe Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., Japan. Headquartered in Maidenhead, UK, it has operations in 13 countries across Europe, the Middle East and Africa and employs approximately 550 people. Performance appraisal is a very important function of human resources management. It consists of studies on measuring the individual's level of efficiency and success in any given subject. To measure the level of efficiency and success is very complex task, because it involves evaluating an individual. Another challenge is that the concepts of performance and success are subjective.

Rating scale is an appropriate tool in situations where the performance of the employees is going to be measured quantitatively, i.e. in the framework of numerical data or production capacity.

Management by objectives is the most known and applied method of performance appraisal and it is a basic and logical method where the performance of the employees is evaluating according to the goals that the employees and managers agree on.

In the case of Hitachi, the issue revolves around performance and how to get the best out of people. Ramlall (2004) identifies analyses and critiques the motivation theories underlying employee motivation in organizations.

Hitachi uses the Management by Objectives method in performance appraisal. The employees are appraised according to the degree of reaching the goals determined by the top management. (Ghezzi, 2006)

The additional training would improve the rater accuracy and communications skills of the supervisor during the feedback session of the performance appraisal.

Final Document with Content

Table of Content


Background About Organisation7

Main Objectives Which The Criteria Will Be Built8

Brief Background About Performance Evaluation9

Evaluation Tools10

A) Rating Scales10

B) Essay Method13

C) Management By Objectives13

Performance evaluation concern for employees16

Performance evaluation system at Hitachi19

Existing Employees20

Needs Assessment20

Instructional Design21

Development and Implementation22


Reinforcement and sustainability22




Performance Evaluation in Hitachi


The performance appraisal is one of the most widely discussed and deliberated management practices. It has given rise to a number of differing viewpoints. There are those who see performance appraisal as making an important contribution to human resource management, in that organizations require systematic information on how well employees are performing in his or her jobs as a key element in ensuring that human resources are used as effectively as possible. The performance appraisal used at Midwestern Health Care Center and Rehabilitation is the graphic rating scale method. Midwestern Health Care and Rehabilitation ensures that its managers are trained and well versed in the appraisal tools usage; this prevents improper utilization and ...
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