In today's world, the concept of management relates to many diversities and situations, which were never realized before in the past. Similar to such articulated state, being at the managerial level of conducting and guiding a team or a project in this era is not a picnic, where there are analytical situations that are needed to be serviced in a way that create a competitive advantage internally and externally. Moreover, today where there is immense realization of virtual teams and projects, managing such concept enhance further opportunities, as the difficulty level of operating and managing the remote team stands with difficulties due to many barriers such as the increased distance and the imbalance of communication.
Being the manager of a virtual team does not formulate possessions any easier. Organizing and boosting the level of any team's performance in the context of increased efficiency and effectiveness requires the development of keeping the tasks humming to the extent of building models which denotes an additional motivation for work, using various approaches that benefit the overall performance of the virtual team (Siebdraft,, 2009, pp. 63).
Factors Boosting Team Performance:
Coaching & Support
In regards to performance appraisals, the basic and primary factor of uplifting the team performance remains with the concept of providing coaching and support to the members of the team, whether to the direct teams or to the remote teams. In general, there are couple of coaching methods that relate to developing performances. The first method is “On the spot” training that typically involves catching an individual liable of doing something relevant or irrelevant related the given tasks. However, the impression in regards is to provide help to individuals of adapting and recognizing their performances of what they have accomplished. The second method is "Ongoing coaching" that aims a long term orientation towards achieving goals. The conditions apply similarly to boosting performance of the virtual teams through constant observations of the teams that are remotely operated.
Team's commitment
The second major factor to developing the performance for remote teams or for teams working in the similar cubes requires implementation of four ways. The four persuasions are rational, inspirational, consultation and collaboration. The initial two logics represent establishing a communication process between the team with consistency to achieve levels of effectiveness. The next two persuasions are dependable upon establishing basis of trust between the team members and the team ...