Perception of e learning by parents on tertiary education
Perception of e learning by parents on tertiary education
Research Question
What is the Perception of e learning by parents on tertiary education?
Problem Statement
How to parents perceive the e learning as a medium of education for their children, specifically for the tertiary education
E-learning refers to the utilization of communications as well as information technology to improve and support education specifically in tertiary education. But this encompass a broad variety of systems, which stretches from students , who use e-mail and access assigned work on-line at the same time following lessons on campus to programmes accessible completely online.
E-learning can be separated into quite a few different types. However in all scenarios, a campus-based institute offers the courses, but by means of e-learning attached to the Internet or similar online network to a differentiated extent. Web-supplemented courses rely on classroom-based education but with that, include fundamentals for instance, putting a course chart and lecture notes on line, mainly through the use of links and e-mails to the online resources. Web-dependent courses need learners to use the Internet for key elements of the programme for instance online assessment, discussion or online collaborative work, but with no major decrease in credit hours time.
In varied form courses, the components of e-learning begins to replace physical class time. Online assessment, projects as well as discussion collaborative work substitute a number of face-to-face learning as well as teaching. But major campus audience remains division of the overall mix. And at the time, courses are accessible entirely online; students can pursue courses accessible by an educational institution at one physical or virtual location from another township, state or even a different time zone (Mumtaz, 2001).
The most contemporary technological advancement has allowed children around the globe to evolve the way of learning and make it much more convenient as well as useful for them to attain the best of education with the minimum of the efforts. Today the students find themselves connected to the whole world with just a single click on their cyber devices. All this has become possible just because of the e- learning, which is being adopted and implemented in today's global arena. Analyzing the situation of today, it can be said that computer has become the indispensible part of our lives and is slowly emerging as one of the basic need of the human kind (Subrahmanyam, 2000). The most contemporary studies regarding the ownership of the computers and other cyber devices, it has been found that in United States, and around 77% of the households own the computer systems. However, the generation before us, our parents might perceive e-learning in a different way than we usually do. Parents are one of the most important influencers when it comes to the way of learning of the students. In most of the cases, they are the decision makers of where and how the child will be taking his/her education. For instance, parents with less technological know-how might perceive conventional ...