Pentateuch term referring to the first five books of the Old Testament. It comes from the Greek penta (five), and teukhos, (implementation), or the implementation of five books. It can also be translated as five times in the scroll( Laymon 122). In Judaism it is called the Torah, or teaching, and the Law of Moses. The Pentateuch consists of the books of the Bible:
Part of the Pentateuch in Hebrew, in particular, Exodus 20:1-5, the beginning of the Ten Commandments. Genesis begins with the primitive history: the history of creation and the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1-3), by the descendants of Adam to Noah who survived the growth of the great flood (Genesis 3-9), and the accounts of the descendants of November through the tower of Babel to the growth of Abram (Abraham) (Genesis 10-11) ( Hayford 102). The following is the story of the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the life of Joseph (Genesis 12-50). God gives to the Patriarchs a promise land of Canaan, but in the end of the book of Genesis ends with Jacob's clan leaving Canaan for Egypt because of famine.
Exodus describes the growth of Moses, who leads the Israelites out of Egypt's Pharaoh (Exodus 1-18) and Mount Sinai / Horeb, where he acts as an intermediary for them the covenant of God and the law (Exodus 19-24), deals with the violation of the law when Israel makes "The Golden Calf (Exodus 32-24), and instructs them to build the Tabernacle (Exodus 25-31, 35-40).
Leviticus begins with instructions on how to use the Tabernacle, the Israelites, who had just built (Leviticus 1-10), and then a long list of rules of purity (Leviticus 11-15), Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16), and various moral and ritual laws sometimes called the Holiness Code (Leviticus 17-26).Rooms described the two censuses, in which the number of Israelis are (1-3 Rooms, 26), while many laws mixed among the stories( Richards 13 ). Narratives tell how Israel has consolidated itself as a community at Sinai (Numbers 1-9), departed from Sinai to move towards Canaan and spied out the land (Numbers 10-13). Because of unbelief at various points, but especially at Kadesh Barnea (Numbers 14), the Israelis were sentenced to wander forty years in the wilderness near Kadesh, and not immediately enter the Promised Land. Even Moses sins and was told that he would not live to enter the Promised Land (Numbers 20).
At the end of numbers (26-35) Israel moves from the area of Kadesh to the Promised Land ( Richards 15 ). They leave the Sinai desert and walk Edom and Moab where Balak and Balaam against them (Numbers 22-24; 31:8, 15-16). They defeated the two kings of Transjordan, OG, and Sihon (Numbers 21), and so came to occupy some territory outside of Canaan. At the end of the book they are on the plains of Moab over against Jericho ready to enter the land.
Deuteronomy consists primarily of a series of speeches of Moses in the plains of Moab opposte Jericho calls on Israel ...