Pediatric Health Issue

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Pediatric Health Issue

Pediatric Health Issue


Asthma is a major pediatric health issue. Asthma is a disease in which airways of the lugs are narrowed and in some cases inflamed. Whistling sound during breathing, tightness of chest and coughing are mainly caused by asthma. Asthma tightens the muscles surrounding the airways and as a result the amount of air that can pass by is reduced (Rosalind L Smyth, 2002). Dust, changes in the weather, hair of animals, usual stress and smoking are asthma triggers that are found mainly in sensitive peoples. Asthma is also a genetic disease mainly followed by parents.


Asthma is characterized by convulsive tightening of the smooth muscle in the bronchioles, which results exceptionally hard breathing. There is no particular age group suffering from this disease. It can happen at a very early age, or in the middle of age, or at any time in life. Analysis has disclosed that almost 3 to 5 percent people suffered from asthma at some part of their life. Asthma causes hindrance in breathing and makes it hard to exhale the air. As a result, asthma patient suffers with the deficiency of oxygen and overindulgence of carbon dioxide, causing the risk of his or her life. The percentage of Asthma patients is found mostly in man rather than women. This is mostly due to sensitive hyper reaction among the age of 30 year people. This is a usual case in the older peoples as per hypersensitivity. Mainly airways blockage due to muscle tightness, airways inflammation and airway hyper responsiveness are revealed as three abnormalities of patients suffering from asthma (Rebecca Miles, 2005).

Asthma patient requires immediate clinical approach exclusive from the other diseases. Asthma can be controlled by the immediate treatment just after its diagnosis. The identification and control of asthma is the most important step in managing treatment. Drug rehabilitation is important in the case of this disease and it helps the patient to lead reasonably normal life with few unfavorable effects of drug. Frequent respiratory symptoms include the increased shortness of breath and coughing. The symptoms of asthma help understand the current level of the asthma in patient. These symptoms include coughing, difficulty in breathing, wheezing that may come early in the morning or at night, and shortness of breath and muscles tighten. Emergency symptoms may include the extreme difficulty in breathing, rapid pulsing, severe pain due to shortness of breath, appearance of blue color on lips or face. In extreme cases the breathing may stop temporarily (Rosalind L Smyth, 2002).

Dust allergy is a trigger that may have been a factor of privilege among the patients of the asthma disease. Dust has caused the airways become tight and amount of air passage through the lungs is reduced. Identification and control of asthma is the first clinical approach, prohibiting the other diseases likewise coughing and wheezing. Drug therapy is a useful treatment in the case of controlling asthma disease. These drugs cannot be used continuously as they lead to ...
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