Paths Of Renunciation And Devotion In Bhagavad-Gita

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Paths of Renunciation and Devotion in Bhagavad-Gita

Paths of Renunciation and Devotion in Bhagavad-Gita


The Bhagavad Gita also known as “The Song of the Bhagavan”, or “Gita”, is the scripture part of the epic Hindu Mahabharata and is composed of 700 versus. This scripture consist of a conversation between two Hindu legends that includes prince Arjuna and his guide Lord Krishna. Through these conversations, Bhagvad Gita discuses a variety of philosophical and theological issues. The two concepts very often discussed in Bhagwat Gita include the paths of Devotion and Renunciation.

Thesis Statement

In most cases, Bhagwat Gita has discussed these attributes distinctly and has ...