Pastoral Care In A Multicultural Context

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Pastoral Care in a Multicultural Context

Pastoral Care in a Multicultural Context


This book was written by Aart M. Van Beek in the year 1996. The book has employed an extensive mixture of solid facts to portray the skills, sensitivities and awareness that is important for one to possess in order to be able to counsel in a cross-cultural environment. The readings of the book is based on a good combination of numerous aspects in this regard, such as, the sense of belonging, identity, world view, family counseling, identification along with biblical resources, which have been highlighted in an effective manner by the utilization of various solid facts. This paper focuses on giving reflections on the conepts presented in the book.



Ironically, psychology took shape as a science, only the last 150 years. Almost as genetics. But, if the occurrence is directly related to genetics and technological progress, then the psychology is much more complicated. First knowledge (logo) of the soul (psycho) we received in the first books of the Tanakh. First psychologists were leaders, judges and priests of Israel (which we know for certain). They often had to deal with the problems as a particular person and a particular behavior of a whole group of people. That they used in their practice? The law of Moses, the wisdom, his or received as a gift experience.

Pastoral care and counseling offers an individual support through out his life cycle, with its ups and downs, in everyday life and in special situations. In crisis and conflict, during the process of changing and making difficult decisions, they offer psychological and spiritual support. Pastoral care and counseling looks at the person in a complete manner, social and material conditions of life, his feelings and his thoughts, his behavior and his values, his search for happiness, for meaning, for God. The individuals processing the pastoral care and counseling give advice in specific situations in order to provide psychologicalhelp to the individual needing it. Pastoral Care strives to combine life issues and experiences with the liberating and comforting views of the Gospel. In church and social welfare pastoral counseling has shares, and shares of pastoral counseling. Pastoral care and counseling will help with different emphasis to the fact that people can make their own, responsible decisions and gain a confident, constructive attitude.

Pastoral care and counseling is open to all people regardless of their affiliation with a church or religious community. It is about respect for the personal convictions and beliefs determine council and pastoral people seeking. Pastoral care is one of the core tasks in the parish office. Pastors are bound by their ordination to the confessional. This guarantees absolute confidentiality. Besides the possibility of pastoral care in local communities, there is a varied range of counseling and special counseling services to meet the different living requirements.

The goal of biblical counseling is that to develop Christian maturity that would help people feel richer experience of worship and more effective life of ministry. Christian maturity is developed through several ...