Past, Present, And Future

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Past, Present, and Future

Past, Present, and Future


In some manner I took my past schooling as a prison experience for the most part. I felt as if I was compelled and obliged to follow a set of rules and principles of my parents and the teachers. I, along with my peers, had to stay to a specified limit well restricting the potential for excellence. In high school, however, I exercised a greater degree of independence (Throop 2003). I could at least, choose the modules that interested me. I was told by some of my friends, that I was rather too pushy for changing others and the educational system. I wanted things my way all the time.

High School

It was also in high school I got a chance to interact with students having diverse cultural and educational backgrounds. I learned and improved my communication skills and developed a greater degree of tolerance in me.

Educational Direction

By the end of second year in my school, I had turned rather serious towards what my career goal was. I would explore many academic and professional degrees over the internet, weighing various alternatives and investigating the career demands of each alternative. But the more I investigated the more complex it appeared. Then one of my teachers helped me in this. She said I should develop and clarify my personal and professional values before choosing a career path (Hartung 2010). For my personal values, I easily spotted my family, health and music. For my professional values, I discovered that the most important for me were confidentiality, loyalty and time.

Having done with values, I chose my courses accordingly and realised the value idea worked well for me. I could easily manage my studies and had not to bother about my personal time. ...
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