Parenting And Culture

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Parenting and Culture

Parenting and Culture

What are the arguments, propositions, and hypotheses for universality of parenting styles/practices and associated developmental outcomes in different cultures or among different ethnic groups in the U.S.?

Parents are aided by various parenting techniques, according to each situation and behavioral characteristics of children. In general, the patterns can be described as of a certain size, with varying degrees of tenderness. These general parenting styles strongly affect socially accepted behavior of the child, for example their self, their internalization of moral values ??and social skills development. By studying parenting styles, we must consider the personality characteristics of parents and children and the age of the latter (Barboza, Schiamberg, et al, 2008). Speaking of parenting practices, we must refer to global trends in behavior, the most common practices, with this is not to say that parents always use the same strategies with all their children, or in all situations, but the parents, in a more or less broad continuum of tactics flexibly selected educational patterns. Therefore, it can be said that the there are a few universal styles of parenting, from which the parents adopt their parenting style depending on the child behavior patterns (Fletcher, Walls, et al, 2008).

A first group related to the child: age, sex, and birth order and personality traits. A second group of Parent: gender, previous experience as children and as parents, personality characteristics, educational level, ideas about the evolutionary process and education and achievement expectations have of their children. A third group related to the situation in which the interaction takes place: physical characteristics of housing and historical context (Barboza, Schiamberg, et al, 2008). In the same vein, researchers, considering the factors that determine parenting styles, point out that what contributes to better educational practice are: the structure, affection, behavioral control, communication, transmission values ??and external systems. The first four refer to the domestic relations or micro systematic, the latter; refer to the social or ecological dimension, which is the unit of analysis in the study of socialization. According to the researcher, the behavior of parents has three fundamental dimensions, attitudes and actions of each parent fall somewhere on the following continua: 1) Thoroughness - tolerance, 2) kindness - hostility and 3) emotional involvement anxiety - calm indifference (Fletcher, Walls, et al, 2008).

If you look at only specific acts or attitudes, which means that two very tolerant mothers are raising children in the same way, because they ignore the other dimensions, although both mothers can be very tolerant and treat their children in peace. However, if one is gentle and the other shows a cold hostility, then there will be a decisive difference in their parenting style. The author describes the calm, loving and tolerant mother, as a democratic and a negligent mother, who is hostile and tolerant. In strict parents, tolerant, and other dimensions, the main finding is that these parents are raising children rigorous dependent, submissive and obedient (Barboza, Schiamberg, et al, 2008). In this sense, the researcher discovered some interesting facts ...
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