1- History, purpose, and other aspects of the American prison system
The prison system in an integral part of every country. In order for a country to provide safety for its citizens, the prison system must be operating smoothly. Prison overcrowding occurs when a penitentiary must accommodate more inmates than it was originally built for. A very large amount of money is spent annually on the prison system. The growing prison population means that there are more inmates who must be looked after; consequently more guards must be hired to accommodate the growth. Ultimately prison overcrowding leads to millions of taxpayer's dollars being wasted, instead of being put towards the health care system or education, where it is needed more. The process of imprisonment is a means of punishment. A prisoner is disallowed freedom and their life is basically controlled by the routine of the total institution.
2- Great Penitentiary Rivalry on our current prison system
Prison overcrowding leads to an increased sense of insecurity and hostility amongst guards and inmates. More hostile conditions lead to violent behavior in the prisons. Prison overcrowding does not provide inmates with fair and humane conditions. Firstly the conditions are not fair because it is not possible for guards to give everyone equal treatment because of fear and other circumstances. Secondly, humane conditions are impossible to achieve in an overcrowded prison because prisoners are double bunked (two inmates living in the space intended for one), and not given the necessary privacy and solitude that one requires.
3 Rivalry continue to shape and influence American thinking about the prison system's purpose
The common trend in every single one of criminal cases is that the convict got out of prison before their prison sentence had expired. The answer to that is prison overcrowding. In order for there to be enough room in prisons to accommodate new inmates, others must be paroled. This is an extremely dangerous practice because many of these murderers and sex offenders are not ready to be set out into society. Prison overcrowding may not seem to be a serious issue when one thinks of inmates crammed into a prison; but prison overcrowding is definitely a very serious issue when a paroled sex offender rapes a young girl. It is necessary to provide inmates with proper rehabilitation, and not parole dangerous convicts, however the overcrowding of prisons does not allow for this to happen.