Panel Interviewing

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Panel Interviewing

Panel Interviewing


This method of tag-team interviewing is often attractive for companies that rely heavily on team cooperation. Not only does the organization want to identify whether your skills balance that of the company? but also whether you can get along with the other workers. In some companies? multiple people will interview you simultaneously. In other companies? you will proceed through a series of one-on-one interviews.

A panel interview? also known as a board interview or tag-team interview? is defined as an interview conducted by a team of two or more interviewers? who interview the client simultaneously? then combine their ratings into a final panel score (Loomis and Lee 2008). The panel interview procedure has evolved considerably over the past fifty years from "informal discussions" between candidates and the panel into a highly structured situational and behavioral evaluation based on strict job analysis? complete with interviewer training and scoring anchors.


"Panel interviews are very difficult because it's hard to identify who to play to and who to address?" says Challenger. His advice: Answer the questions you are asked. "You don't need anyone going away telling they are disappearing to refusal you so it is crucial to deal with each person's requirement for information. You require to try to understand what the ideal client is in each person's mind and pull out those aspects of your experience that meet that require.

Benefits of Panel Interviews

No Concealed Schedules - When panelists are put with peers? any concealed schedules can easily be seen and dealt with by the panel or moderator. This is not true in a one on one interview.

Apples for Apples comparison - A panel interview allows multiple sets of ears/eyes see and hear the same presentation. Each person on the panel will have a different focus or take on what a client ...
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