Pandemic Flu Planning

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Pandemic Flu Planning

Pandemic Flu Planning


This paper identifies specific target groups that will likely be included in prioritization plans for all future pandemics. However, it is assumed that after a pandemic strain has emerged, the ACIP and CDC will review, adjust and finalize priority group recommendations based largely on specific characteristics of the current threat. Therefore, a certain degree of flexibility is incorporated herein regarding final determination of priority populations.


The following four goals will guide planning and implementation of King County's vaccine response plans during a pandemic:

Vaccinate members of ACIP priority groups and strategically use appropriate vaccine formulations to reach priority group populations at highest risk for influenza complications.

Maximize the efficiency of vaccine ordering, delivery and administration.

Provide equitable access to vaccine for insured, uninsured, people with and without a regular healthcare provider, and for those who can afford vaccination fees.

Communicate clear, timely and useful information regarding our allocation strategy, supply levels, and locations where vaccine is accessible.


A multi-layered community approach to vaccination will be necessary utilizing healthcare providers, pharmacies, community and public health centers, worksites and community vaccination sites.

Local public health departments in Washington will prioritize pandemic strain influenza vaccine; during the period that vaccine is prioritized, all vaccine will be managed through state and local public health departments.

CDC will provide state and local health departments with all pandemic strain vaccine, syringes, sharps containers and other medical supplies to support the vaccination effort.

Persons may require one or two doses of vaccine, administered up to four weeks apart.

It is unlikely that sequential vaccination of priority groups will be possible or efficient


The Local Health Officer will determine the influenza vaccine priority groups that will be utilized during an influenza pandemic.

PHSKC will provide the entire county population with access to vaccine, beginning with individuals in priority groups.

Healthcare providers will serve ...
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