Paid Employment

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Paid Employment Affecting Identity

Paid Employment Affecting Identity


Paid employment has several aspects that affect an individual's identity, like uniform, working hours, workplace environment, organization's ethos, salary levels, etc. There can be gender segregation in understanding affect of paid employment on an individual's identity. Women have particular workplace concerns and a misbalance in work-life schedule can affect their identity (Goffman, 1959, Pp. 13-27).

This essay will focus on the factors of individual's identity formation. There are a number of employment factors that establish individual's identity and his/her traits. For example a policeman has identity of belonging to public and people perceive policeman as their guardians and custodians of safety. On the contrary, a sweeper also ensures public well being but people do not look gracefully at his/her identity. This is an interesting fact that both have paid employment (Angus, 1993, Pp. 129).


Precarious Lives due to underpaid or less paid jobs

The starting point was following developments in the labor market:

Young academics try to bridge potential gaps in their resume by accepting one internship and then another, although they are actually looking for a permanent position.

Some companies use intern's contracts to reduce its exposure to risk new hires, because they not the detour on the legal requirements for protection against dismissal and collective agreements must be undertaken.

Some companies abusing highly qualified trainees and interns by dealing them with or even without pay, without any intention of corresponding points in the regular employment relationship set.

Young academics define their identity is still largely on their own profession. They have the ideals of the parents from the time of the previous generation of prosperity in the Federal Republic in the 1970s and 1980s and a steady job as a prerequisite of a strong life in mind. Further deterioration of the British labor market in the late 1990s worsened the conditions of entry for many professional academics. The expectations of parents and grandparents, however, remained unchanged (Irwin, 2005, Pp. 111).

Caught between their ideal jobs and finding the reality of financial hardship, underpaid employment is uncertain. A free space is desired by individuals to find their own identity/the self beyond work to unfold. The children are significantly influenced by the generation of wealth in times of parents: the view of the difficulties of their children, catch up with the professional world, as failure. They react with shame and financial support (De Botton, 2009, Pp. 82-89).

Records of the extent of these changes are missing. Many graduates of the humanities and social sciences are in a precarious position for a long time. In addition, the traineeship generation came as architects who find themselves in part with several years experience no permanent job, but to wade from one underpaid temporary employment to the next. For certain engineers, however, is equal to about 90 percent of their career after studying a regular permanent position (Warwick & Littlejohn, 1992, Pp. 91).

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