Click-and-brick has both an online retail guide as well as a physical retail store. The definition of a click and click company is, it has no physical retail store, just an online retail store. With the overall world-weariness over click and click companies has now to lead to the renewal of companies to enlarge their web presence leading to a new manifestation called "click-and-brick" establishments. Online sales of prescription drugs are growing. Due to low prices, convenience, less restrictions, and more selection, the popularity of online pharmacies, the authority of online drugs is a concern. (
When a privately held company needs money to expand their business, quite often they choose to sell part of the company through a public stock offering. To facilitate this process an investment banker is most often involved helping value the company and determine the price of each share of stock. Once the value of each share of stock is determined and the amount of funds needed by the company are complete, the investment banker forms a syndicate of broker/dealers who take on the responsibility of either purchasing all the shares of stock the company has to offer or to help sell in an initial public offering. The investment banker and syndicate members receive a concession for each share of stock sold.
Brick and Mortar Supply Chain:
In the apparel industry there are several specific methods of the supply chain as it relates to the classic brick and mortar environment and one method really does not have a benefit over the other. The first method of discussion for the classic supply chain is the direct supply method where a company will make direct contact with its material suppliers to place orders; the supplier will then make arrangements to ship the ...