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Briefly describe about the novelist and his achievements


Describe what the theme on which the story is based


Critically discussed the novel and evaluate the rationale of the story


Briefly write about the story and concept of the writing


An American Ovular whose style is characterized by sharp, terse dialogue and emotional description suggested. His life and his work exerted a great influence on American writers of the time. Many of his works are considered classics of English literature. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois, in whose institute studied. He worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star, but a few months he volunteered to drive ambulances in Italy during the First World War. He was later transferred to the Italian army was seriously injured. After the war he was correspondent for the Toronto Star until he moved to Paris, where the exiled writers Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein encouraged him to write literary works. From 1927 spent much time in Key West, Florida, in Spain and Africa. He returned to Spain during the Civil War as a war correspondent, a position he also served in World War II. Later he was a reporter for the U.S First Army. Although there was a soldier, he participated in several battles. After the war, Hemingway settled in Cuba, near Havana, and in 1958 in Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway used his experiences as a fisherman, hunter and lover of bullfighting in his works. His adventurous life brought him several times at the gates of death in the Spanish Civil War when bombs went off in his hotel room in World War II collided with a taxi during the blackouts of war, and in 1954 when plane crash in Africa. He died in Ketchum on July 2, 1961, firing a shot with a shotgun (Baker, 21).


The story is about a lonely old fisherman overwhelmed by many years of work named James, whose only friend is a boy to teach how to fish early in life. Santiago for several years who lost his wife kept a picture that he kept in a drawer not remembers what it was old and alone. The townspeople knew Santiago of many years ago when he was young, and called him James Champion, for his feat in a pulse against a black two-day South America but it really was James was known for his bad luck at sea, especially when carrying fish and 84 days without picking up any (Broccoli, 13).


This is proved again with the work of Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, which recounts the struggle of a man in the twilight of his life, against nature, represented by a giant fish, determined to survive at all costs. In this history focuses deeply describing each of the thoughts that invade the mind of the old and fill the reader with an inexpressible sadness that brings the real world in which they live and immersed in this world full of danger and darkness that Hemingway paints ...
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